clojure 相当于 python defaultdict

clojure equivalent of python defaultdict

假设我们有一些函数 f returns 一个可以用作字典键的值:

d = defaultdict(set)

for x in xs:

结构可能看起来像这样,但我不知道如何 a) 提供默认值和 b) 与现有值合并

(defn build-maps [xs]
  (let [inverse-map {}]
    (reduce (fn [im x]
              (let [y (f x)
                    im' (assoc im y x)] ; want to add x to a set
                im')) inverse-map xs)))


(defn build-maps [xs]
  (let [inverse-map {}]
    (reduce (fn [im x]
              (let [y (f x)
                    new-im (assoc im y (set/union (im y) #{x}))]
                new-im)) inverse-map xs)))


(apply merge-with into
       (for [x xs]
         {(f x) #{x}}))

但是如果你想要更接近于基于 reduce 的计划,你可以这样写:

(reduce (fn [m x]
          (update m (f x) (fnil conj #{}) x))
        {}, xs)