美国人口普查 API - 使用 Python 获取州内每个城市的人口

US Census API - Get The Population of Every City in a State Using Python


我得到了我的 API Key used the P0010001 variable for total population used the FIPS 25 for the state of Massachusetts and requested the population by the geography level "place",我理解它的意思是城市。

这是我使用的 Python 3 代码:

import urllib.request
import ast

class Census:
    def __init__(self, key):
        self.key = key

    def get(self, fields, geo, year=2010, dataset='sf1'):
        fields = [','.join(fields)]
        base_url = 'http://api.census.gov/data/%s/%s?key=%s&get=' % (str(year), dataset, self.key)
        query = fields
        for item in geo:
        add_url = '&'.join(query)
        url = base_url + add_url
        req = urllib.request.Request(url)
        response = urllib.request.urlopen(req)
        return response.read()

c = Census('<mykey>')
state = c.get(['P0010001'], ['for=state:25'])
# url: http://api.census.gov/data/2010/sf1?key=<mykey>&get=P0010001&for=state:25
county = c.get(['P0010001'], ['in=state:25', 'for=county:*'])
# url: http://api.census.gov/data/2010/sf1?key=<mykey>&get=P0010001&in=state:25&for=county:*
city = c.get(['P0010001'], ['in=state:25', 'for=place:*'])
# url: http://api.census.gov/data/2010/sf1?key=<mykey>&get=P0010001&in=state:25&for=place:*

# Cast result to list type
state_result = ast.literal_eval(state.decode('utf8'))
county_result = ast.literal_eval(county.decode('utf8'))
city_result = ast.literal_eval(city.decode('utf8'))

def count_pop_county():
    count = 0
    for item in county_result[1:]:
        count += int(item[0])
    return count

def count_pop_city():
    count = 0
    for item in city_result[1:]:
        count += int(item[0])
    return count


# b'[["P0010001","state"],\n["6547629","25"]]'

print('Total state population:', state_result[1][0])
# Total state population: 6547629

print('Population in all counties', count_pop_county())
# Population in all counties 6547629

print('Population in all cities', count_pop_city())
# Population in all cities 4615402

我有理由确定 'place' 是城市,例如

# Get population of Boston (FIPS is 07000)
boston = c.get(['P0010001'], ['in=state:25', 'for=place:07000'])
# b'[["P0010001","state","place"],\n["617594","25","07000"]]'

我做错了什么或误解了什么? 为什么各地方的人口总和不等于各州的人口?

List of example API calls


那是因为不是每个人都住在城市 -- 在许多不属于任何城市的县里有农村"unincorporated areas",而且,人们确实住在那里.


@Delicious -- 人口普查有几个可用的地理划分级别。我不确定数据 API 在哪里停止(人口普查下降到各个街区,但我相信 API 不会,出于人类受试者的原因),但人口普查区,人口普查区,ZCTAs(邮政编码制表区域——基本上是地图的邮政编码)将全部涵盖地理范围,并包括县一级的未合并人口。

您可以在人口普查数据网站上玩这些不同的级别(以及地图工具):factfinder.census.gov --> 高级搜索。