在 scala js 中导入电子浏览器 window

import electron browser window in scala js

我想在 scala.js 中编写以下代码:

// In the main process.
const {BrowserWindow} = require('electron')

// Or use `remote` from the renderer process.
// const {BrowserWindow} = require('electron').remote

let win = new BrowserWindow({width: 800, height: 600})
win.on('closed', () => {
  win = null

// Load a remote URL

// Or load a local HTML file

我们如何在 scala.js

中导入电子并实例化 BrowserWindow

随着Scala.js0.6.13+,你可以选择emit CommonJS modules。当你这样做时,你可以像这样导入 BrowserWindow

import scala.scalajs.js
import js.annotation._

trait BrowserWindowOptions extends js.Object {
  def width: Double
  def height: Double

@JSImport("electron", "BrowserWindow")
class BrowserWindow(options: BrowserWindowOptions) extends js.Object {
  def on(eventName: String, handler: js.Function0[Any]): Unit = js.native

var win = new BrowserWindow(new BrowserWindowOptions {
  val width = 800.0
  val height = 600.0
win.on("closed", { () =>
  win = null

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