
Can different threads set different GPUs as their current CUDA device?

比如我有2个GPU和2个主机线程。我无法检查它,因为 multigpu PC 离我很远。我想让第一个主机线程与第一个 GPU 一起工作,第二个主机线程与第二个 GPU 一起工作。所有主机线程都包含许多 cublas 调用。那么是否可以通过 cudaSetDevice() 调用从第一个主机线程选择第一个 GPU,从第二个主机线程选择第二个 gpu?

例如,对于第二个主机线程,我将调用 cudaSetDevice(1),对于第一个线程,我将调用 cudaSetDevice(0)

So is it possible to choose the fisrt GPU from the first host thread and the second gpu from the second host thread by cudaSetDevice() call?

是的,这是可能的。 cudaOpenMP sample code 中给出了此类用法的示例,(摘录​​):

omp_set_num_threads(num_gpus);  // create as many CPU threads as there are CUDA devices
//omp_set_num_threads(2*num_gpus);// create twice as many CPU threads as there are CUDA devices
#pragma omp parallel
    unsigned int cpu_thread_id = omp_get_thread_num();
    unsigned int num_cpu_threads = omp_get_num_threads();

    // set and check the CUDA device for this CPU thread
    int gpu_id = -1;
--> checkCudaErrors(cudaSetDevice(cpu_thread_id % num_gpus));   // "% num_gpus" allows more CPU threads than GPU devices