如何使用 onmouseover 和 Riot.js 在 table 的特定行中显示图标

How to show icon in specific row in table with onmouseover with Riot.js

我想在 table 正文的特定行中显示图标以删除该行。 我搜索并尝试了解决方案,但效果不佳。


下面的代码是我正在处理的简单版本。 我希望有人知道解决方案。

        <tr each={ article in articles } onmouseover={ onMouseOver }>
            <td>{ article.title }<i class='fa fa-trash-o' aria-hidden='true' show={ parent.showTrash }></i></td>
            <td>{ article.category }</td>
            <td>{ article.date }</td>

this.articles = [
    {title: 'This is How Japanese Makeup' date: 'Oct 7 2016',  category:'Makeup'},
    {title: 'This is Japanese Fashion' date: 'Oct 8 2016',  category:'Fashion'},
    {title: 'This is Japanese Food' date: 'Oct 9 2016',  category:'Food'}

onMouseOver(e) {
    e.item.article.showTrash = true

您将需要使用onmouseenter 和onmouseleave 来执行删除的隐藏和显示。你不需要父 show={ parent.showTrash } 只是文章,你错过了文章数组中的逗号。这是代码

          <tr each={ article in articles } onmouseleave={offTrash} onmouseenter={ onTrash }>
              <td>{ article.title }<i class='fa fa-trash-o' aria-hidden='true' show={article.showTrash}> X </i></td>
              <td>{ article.category }</td>
              <td>{ article.date }</td>

  this.articles = [
      {title: 'This is How Japanese Makeup', date: 'Oct 7 2016',  category:'Makeup'},
      {title: 'This is Japanese Fashion', date: 'Oct 8 2016',  category:'Fashion'},
      {title: 'This is Japanese Food', date: 'Oct 9 2016',  category:'Food'}

  onTrash(e) {
      e.item.article.showTrash = true
  offTrash(e) {
      e.item.article.showTrash = false
