如果我使用 Google Play 服务,用户是否需要登录 Google Play?

Is the user required to be logged in to Google Play if I am using Google Play Services?

如果我使用 Google Play 服务,用户是否需要登录 Google Play?

具体来说,我正在使用 LocationClient 和 LocationRequest API。

不,FusedLocationProviderApi(因为 LocationClient 从 Google Play 服务 6.5 开始不再存在)不需要用户登录。事实上,与许多 Google Play 服务一样,它们甚至不需要设备上有 Google 帐户 - 只需要 Google Play 商店和 Google Play 服务已安装。


You are not required to be login to Google Play services in the device

Just Google Play Services is required to be installed in the device which is running the apk