为什么 getHeight() 不等于框架高度?

Why is getHeight() not equal to the frame height?

我正在制作一个围绕框架移动的弹跳立方体。为了检测框架的边界,我使用了 JFrame 中 JComponent 的 getHeight() 和 getWidth() 并计算可能的边界,以便立方体可以反弹。

getWidth() 完全没问题。但是,我无法让它在 getHeight() 的边界上反弹。

当立方体到达 window 的顶部时,它会在反弹前继续移动大约 10 个像素。



public class Cube {
    final public static int DIMENSION = 100;
    private final static int D_X = 20;
    private final static int D_Y = -20;
    private final static int SPEED = 1;
    private int xVelBK;
    private int yVelBK;
    private int xVel;
    private int yVel;
    private CubePoint[] pts;

    public  Cube(int x, int y){
    xVel = SPEED;
    yVel = SPEED;

    pts = new CubePoint[8];

    pts[0] = new CubePoint(x,y);
    pts[1] = new CubePoint(x,y - DIMENSION);
    pts[2] = new CubePoint(x + DIMENSION,y - DIMENSION);
    pts[3] = new CubePoint(x + DIMENSION,y);

    pts[4] = new CubePoint(x + D_X,y + D_Y);
    pts[5] = new CubePoint(x + D_X,y + D_Y - DIMENSION);
    pts[6] = new CubePoint(x + D_X + DIMENSION,y + D_Y - DIMENSION);
    pts[7] = new CubePoint(x + D_X + DIMENSION,y + D_Y);

    public void move(int componentWidth, int componentHeight){

    //bug in here
    if (pts[0].getY()  - DIMENSION - D_Y <= 0 ) {
        yVel = SPEED;



public class CubeComponent extends JComponent {

    private Cube cube;
    private Timer timer;
    private CubePoint originMousePos;
    private CubePoint closest;
    private Font font;
    private int mode;

    private int delay = DEFAULT_DELAY ;

    private int mouseToClosestX;
    private int mouseToClosestY;

    class CubeMoveListener implements ActionListener{
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){


    public void paintComponent(Graphics g){
    Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;




 if (pts[0].getY()  - DIMENSION - D_Y <= 0 ) {


if ( pts[0].getY() >= componentHeight) {


if ( pts[0].getY() <= 0) {


  1. 其中一个垂直测试需要测试“<= 0”。
  2. 水平和垂直测试的结构应该是一样的,你只需要改变变量名。