Linode VPS 计量计费 - 如何计算小时数?

Linode VPS Metered Billing - How are hours calculated?

我在考虑 运行 我自己的游戏服务器。但是,只有当我想和朋友一起玩的时候,我才需要它。

If My Linode is Powered Off, Will I Be Billed? If your Linode is powered off, but is still added as a service on your account, you will still be billed for it. This is because Linode maintains your saved data and reserves your ability to use other resources like RAM, transfer, etc. even when your Linode is powered off. You will be billed for any other active Linode service, such as Longview Pro or an extra IP, as well. If you want to stop being billed for a particular Linode service, you need to remove it from your account entirely.

考虑到这一点,假设我创建了一个稳定的游戏服务器,然后保存了一个磁盘映像,然后继续销毁了 Linode。当我想使用它时,我会创建实例,然后在完成后再次销毁。

假设我每周使用它两次,每次 2 小时。使用每小时 0.015 美元的 Linode 2GB 计划,是否可以说我月底的总账单金额固定为 [=11=].015 x 2 x 4 = [=11=].12



  • 小时数已四舍五入。如果超过 1 分钟,将按 3 小时收费。
  • 时间从 Linode 创建开始时算起,而不是从您实际能够 SSH 登录时算起。
  • 如果您的帐户上有零个 Linode,您最终可能会也可能不会丢失您的图像。 DNS 也将在没有任何 Linode 的情况下停止提供服务。