C++ 无法在模板中重载运算符 class

C++ Trouble overloading operators in a template class


这是我的 class 模板:

template<class THING>
struct LLNode
  THING data;
  LLNode<THING> *next;
  LLNode<THING> *prev;
template<class THING>
class LinkedList
     //use a doubly linked-list based implementation
     //keep a head and tail pointer for efficiency
     LLNode<THING> *Head;
     LLNode<THING> *Tail;
     int count;
     //setup initial conditions
     //delete all dynamic memory, etc.
     //constant bracket operator to access specific element
     const THING& operator[](int);
     //Bracket operator to access specific element
     THING& operator[](int);
     //Equality operator to check if two lists are equal
     bool operator==(const LinkedList<THING>&);
     //Inequality operator to check if two lists are equal
     bool operator!=(const LinkedList<THING>&);
     //add x to front of list
     void addFront(THING);
     //add x to back of list
     void addBack(THING);
     //add x as the ith thing in the list
     //if there are less than i things, add it to the back
     void add(THING, int);
     //remove and return front item from list
     THING removeFront();
     //remove and return back item from list
     THING removeBack();
     //return value of back item (but don't remove it)
     THING getBack();
     //return value of front item (but don't remove it)
     THING getFront();
     //return how many items are in the list
     int length();
     //print all elements in the linked list
     void print();


template<class THING>
THING& LinkedList<THING>::operator[](int index)


template<class THING>
bool LinkedList<THING>::operator==(const LinkedList<THING>& list_one, const LinkedList<THING>& list_two)
    //checking for same size on both lists
    //if both are same size, move on to checking for same data
    if(list_one.count != list_two.count)
        return false;
        //boolean flag to hold truth of sameness
        bool flag = true;
        //two pointers to go through
        LLNode<THING> *temp_one = list_one.Head;
        LLNode<THING> *temp_two = list_two.Head;
        while(temp_one != NULL && temp_two != NULL)
            if(temp_one->data != temp_two->data)
                flag = false;
                temp_one = temp_one->next;
                temp_two = temp_two->next;
        return flag;

如您所说,这些不是编译错误:它们是 Intellisense 错误。这些错误需要一段时间才能在扩展中刷新,因此大多数时候都不是很明显,而且这是一个已知问题,即 Intellisense 在添加注释时效果不佳,在与其他扩展冲突时更糟。

消除错误的一种方法是剪切粘贴所有代码(只需按 ctrl+a、ctrl+x、ctrl+v)。这会强制 Intellisense 刷新。

我个人最喜欢的另一种方法是关闭 Intellisense :) 你可以看到如何做到这一点 in here