
Cannot find architecture name in nested configuration

我正在构建一个 VGA 输出块,它使用提供类似界面的嵌套元素来构建图片。 configuration 然后确定实际的屏幕布局。

到目前为止,我已经为每个块创建了一个配置,但我真的很想使用一个嵌套的配置。在使用它的 BNF, and I've found example code 中是允许的,但我无法编译我的代码。


entity everything is
end entity;

architecture syn of everything is
    gfx : vga;
end architecture;

component source is
end component;

entity vga is
end entity;

architecture syn of vga is
    src : source;
end architecture;

entity testpattern is
end entity;

architecture syn of testpattern is
end entity;

现在我想使用 configuration:

configuration conf of everything is
    for syn
        for gfx : vga
            use entity work.vga(syn);
            for syn                          -- Error reported here
                for src : source
                    use entity work.testpattern(syn);
                end for;
            end for;
        end for;
    end for;
end configuration;

我从 Quartus 收到一条错误消息

Error (10392): VHDL Block Specification error at everything.vhd(106): cannot find "syn"

BNF 表示此时需要一个不合格的(架构)名称。这里缺少什么?


entity source is          
end entity;

architecture foo of source is
end architecture;

entity vga is
end entity;

architecture syn of vga is
    component source is
    end component;
    src : source;
end architecture;

entity everything is
end entity;

architecture syn of everything is
    component vga is
    end component;
    gfx : vga;
end architecture;

entity testpattern is
end entity;

architecture syn of testpattern is
end architecture;

configuration conf of everything is
    for syn
        for gfx : vga
            use entity work.vga(syn);
            for syn                          -- Error reported here
                for src : source
                    use entity work.testpattern(syn);
                end for;
            end for;
        end for;
    end for;
end configuration;


%% ghdl -a richter.vhdl
%% ghdl -e conf
%% ghdl -r conf

为源添加了实体和体系结构。 vga 的组件声明。 将源的组件声明移动到 vga 的体系结构 syn。 摆脱所有烦人的“...”。

您可能需要 testpattern 的配置,它使用所有内容的配置 conf 来让您的 testbench(如果 testpattern 是一个测试台)进行详细说明和 运行。在这里展示这一点还为时过早。



Hm, I have the component definition living in a package, because I need that in multiple places. The largest difference otherwise would be the entity source and the unused architecture for it -- do I always need to define an entity with the same name as a component, even if I'm not going to use it? – Simon Richter Oct 26 '16 at 2:05

我在 vgasource 的包中用组件声明修改了上面的代码,删除了源的实体和架构:

package components_pkg is
    component vga is
    end component;
    component source is
    end component;
end package;


use work.components_pkg.all;

entity vga is
end entity;

architecture syn of vga is

    src : source;
end architecture;


use work.components_pkg.all;

entity everything is
end entity;

architecture syn of everything is

    gfx : vga;
end architecture;


entity testpattern is
end entity;

architecture syn of testpattern is
end architecture;


configuration conf of everything is
    for syn
        for gfx : vga
            use entity work.vga(syn);
            for syn                          -- Error reported here
                for src : source
                    use entity work.testpattern(syn);
                end for;
            end for;
        end for;
    end for;
end configuration;



还演示了未使用的组件声明被忽略(通过 use 子句可见)。

您仍然收到错误 ID: 10392,这意味着 testpattern 的架构 syn 并未在详细说明配置声明 conf 的类型上进行分析。

如果 syn 架构被注释掉,另一个 VHDL 工具会在清空工作库时给出类似的消息 -

ghdl -e conf
/usr/local/bin/ghdl1-llvm: cannot find architecture "syn" of entity "testpattern"

这归结为当详细说明配置 conf 并且详细说明失败时,在实体 testpattern 的库工作中没有找到架构 syn
