Python 调用 NetCDF 文件时出现错误 000732

ERROR 000732 in Python calling for NetCDF file

执行以下代码时,我不断收到错误消息,而且我无法修复它。任何想法可能是错的?我试图将文件名更改为更简单的文件名,但没有帮助。 NetCDF数据来自TRMM

import arcpy
import os
dir_name = 'D:\Data'

# Set local variables
inNetCDFFile = "D:\"
variable = "precipitation"
XDimension = "nlon"
YDimension = "nlat"
outRasterLayer = "D:\Data\test"
bandDimmension = ""
dimensionValues = ""
valueSelectionMethod = ""

# Execute MakeNetCDFRasterLayer
arcpy.MakeNetCDFRasterLayer_md(inNetCDFFile, variable, XDimension, YDimension,
                               outRasterLayer, bandDimmension, dimensionValues, 


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "D:\Python27\ArcGIS10.2\Lib\site-packages\pythonwin\pywin\framework\", line 326, in RunScript
    exec codeObject in __main__.__dict__
  File "D:\Google Drive\Gates Project\Data\Climate\TRMM\Python\", line 19, in <module>
  File "D:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\Desktop10.2\arcpy\arcpy\", line 171, in MakeNetCDFRasterLayer
    raise e
ExecuteError: Failed to execute. Parameters are not valid.
ERROR 000732: Input netCDF File: Dataset D:\ does not exist or is not supported
Failed to execute (MakeNetCDFRasterLayer).

我不熟悉 arcpy,但 example 使用正斜杠,而不是反斜杠。我会试试

inNetCDFFile = "D:/Data/"


ERROR 000732: Input netCDF File: Dataset D:\ does not exist or is not supported

如果您在 Windows 使用:

inNetCDFFile = "D:\Data\"

inNetCDFFile = r"D:\"


感谢您的帮助,我已经设法制作了一个不错的脚本,它从目录中获取所有 NetCDF 文件并将它们转换为栅格,所以我将在这里 post 它 - 其他人可能会发现它有用! (专门针对TRMM降雨数据)

import arcpy
import os

dir_name = 'D:\Data'

# Set local variables
variable = "precipitation"
XDimension = "nlon"
YDimension = "nlat"
bandDimmension = ""
dimensionValues = ""
valueSelectionMethod = "BY_VALUE"

# Loop that converts NetCDF files from directory and converts to .img rasters:
dir_name = 'D:\Data'
for filename in os.listdir(dir_name):
    if not filename.endswith(".nc"): continue
    full_path = os.path.join(dir_name, filename)
    outRaster = '%s.img' % (full_path,)
    fileroot = filename[0:(len(filename)-10)]   
    outRasterLayer = dir_name + "\" + fileroot
    arcpy.MakeNetCDFRasterLayer_md(full_path, variable, XDimension, YDimension,
                               outRasterLayer, bandDimmension, dimensionValues, 
