Python - 调用 Point 中的方法来检查 Point 是否在 Rectangle 中

Python - calling on method in Point to check if Point is in Rectangle

我正在 Python 学习 类 和方法,我正在 'How to Think Like a Computer Scientist' 做 Rectangle/Point 练习。我已经研究过,但还没有遇到与我 运行 遇到同样问题的人。 我在我的矩形 Class 中调用 self.width 和 self.height 时遇到问题。奇怪的是,我在我编写的其他方法中调用它没有问题。当我调试时,它显示我的宽度和高度实例为空,现在我是最后的选择 - 在这里!


class Point:
    """Sets up a class point. If user doesn't supply args it starts at
    def __init__(self, x = 0, y = 0):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y

class Rectangle:
    '''A class to create rectangle objects '''

    def __init__(self, posn, w, h):
        self.corner = posn  '''position of rectangle as tuple (Point Class)'''
        self.width = w      '''Sets self.width as w'''
        self.height = h     '''Sets self.height as h'''

    '''Added grow and move methods to display how I'm calling
    self.width/height and self.corner.x/y. These both work when I call them'''

    def grow(self, delta_width, delta_height):
        '''Grow or shrink object by deltas'''
        self.width += delta_width
        self.height += delta_height

    def move(self, dx, dy):
        '''Move this object by the deltas'''
        self.corner.x += dx
        self.corner.y += dy

    '''This is where I'm having the problem. '''
    def contains(self, posn):
        return (self.width > self.corner.x >= 0
        and self.height > self.corner.y >= 0)

r = Rectangle(Point(0, 0), 10, 5)

print(r.contains(Point(0,0))) '''Should return True'''
print(r.contains(Point(3,3))) '''Should return True'''
print(r.contains(Point(3, 7))) '''Should return False, but returns True'''
class Point:
    def __init__(self, x=0, y=0):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y

class Rectangle:
    def __init__(self, posn, w, h):
        self.corner = posn
        self.width = w
        self.height = h

    def contains(self, point):
        return self.width > point.x >= self.corner.x and self.height > point.y >= self.corner.y

contains 方法所做的是:

1) 检查给定点的x位置是否小于矩形的宽度且大于或等于矩形角的x位置:

self.width > point.x >= self.corner.x

2) 然后对 y 和高度做同样的事情:

self.height > point.y >= self.corner.y

3) 放在一起看起来像:

def contains(self, point):
    return self.width > point.x >= self.corner.x and self.height > point.y >= self.corner.y