Rails 友好 ID:model.new 或 model.import 上未生成 slug

Rails Friendly ID: slug is not generated on model.new or model.import

您好,我正在使用 friendly_id gem,

class Student < ActiveRecord::Base
  extend FriendlyId
  friendly_id :name, use: :slugged


但就我而言,我正在使用 'new' 方法创建学生数组并使用 active-record-import

student_names.uniq.each do |s|
  students << Student.new(name: s)

Student.import students, on_duplicate_key_update: {
    conflict_target: [:name],
    timestamps: true

在 'new' 上,它不会创建 slug,在导入时也是如此。

如何在导入时生成 slug? 提前致谢

FriendlyId 使用 before_validation 回调来生成和设置 slug (doc), but activerecord-import does NOT call ActiveRecord callbacks ...(wiki).

因此,您需要手动调用 before_validation 回调:

students.each do |student|
  # Note: if you do not pass the `{ false }` block, `after_callback` will be called and slug will be cleared.
  student.run_callbacks(:validation) { false }
Student.import ...