为什么 Rich 文件管理器插入 filemanager.config.json 而不是将图像插入文本字段

Why Rich file manager insert filemanager.config.json instead of insert image to text field

我使用 Rich 文件管理器 Laravel5.3.20 作为默认配置如下


        CKEDITOR.replace( 'textarea', {
            filebrowserBrowseUrl: '{!! url('gallery/index.html') !!}',
            ///ImageBrowser : true,

textarea url 中的图片有误。

<p><img alt="" src="http://website.dev/gallery/connectors/php/filemanager.php?mode=readfile&amp;path=%2Fae.jpg&amp;config=filemanager.config.json&amp;time=1477642950519" style="height:960px; width:720px" /></p>

所有文件、文件夹和子文件夹已更新为 userfiles 但是它的图像 url 我必须使用 textarea 插入到数据库中出错,如上所述 url.


    "_comment": "IMPORTANT : go to the wiki page to know about options configuration https://github.com/simogeo/Filemanager/wiki/Filemanager-configuration-file",
    "options": {
        "culture": "en",
        "lang": "php",
        "theme": "flat-dark",
        "defaultViewMode": "grid",
        "localizeGUI": true,
        "showFullPath": false,
        "showTitleAttr": false,
        "browseOnly": false,
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        "showThumbs": true,
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        "listFiles": true,
        "fileSorting": "NAME_ASC",
        "folderPosition": "bottom",
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        "charsLatinOnly": false,
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        "dateFormat": "d M Y H:i",
        "serverRoot": true,
        "fileRoot": false,
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        "fileRootSizeLimit": false,
        "baseUrl": false,
        "capabilities": ["select", "upload", "download", "rename", "move", "replace", "delete"],
        "logger": false,
        "plugins": []
    "security": {
        "allowFolderDownload": false,
        "allowChangeExtensions": false,
        "allowNoExtension": false,
        "normalizeFilename": true,
        "uploadPolicy": "DISALLOW_ALL",
        "uploadRestrictions": [
    "exclude": {
        "unallowed_files": [
        "unallowed_dirs": [
        "unallowed_files_REGEXP": "/^\./",
        "unallowed_dirs_REGEXP": "/^\./"
    "upload": {
        "multiple": true,
        "paramName": "files",
        "chunkSize": false,
        "numberOfFiles": 5,
        "fileSizeLimit": 16000000,
        "overwrite": false,
        "imagesOnly": false
    "images": {
        "imagesExt": [
        "main": {
            "autoOrient": true,
            "maxWidth": 1280,
            "maxHeight": 1024
        "thumbnail": {
            "enabled": true,
            "cache": true,
            "dir": "_thumbs/",
            "crop": true,
            "maxWidth": 64,
            "maxHeight": 64
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        "showVideoPlayer": true,
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        "videosPlayerWidth": 400,
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    "audios": {
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        "pdfsReaderWidth": "640",
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        "enabled": true,
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    "customScrollbar": {
        "enabled": true,
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    "extras": {
        "extra_js": [],
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    "icons": {
        "path": "images/fileicons/",
        "folder": "_Open.png",
        "parent": "_Parent.png",
        "default": "default.png"
    "url": "https://github.com/servocoder/RichFilemanager",
    "version": "1.0.6"

您使用的版本不支持预览链接中的绝对路径,它通过连接器请求路径构建预览 url only.It 已完成,因为一些用户将连接器文件与客户端脚本分开(不同服务器等)。经过一些讨论,决定支持两个选项:绝对路径(默认)和连接器路径(可配置)。您需要的功能将包含在下一个主要版本 2.0 中。关于您的问题的一些讨论是 here.