Strongloop 环回验证和请求生命周期

Strongloop loopback validation and request lifecycle


环回请求生命周期中的正确点是什么(呃哦,这让我想起了 .NET webforms!)来做到这一点?

Report.beforeRemote('create', addCreatorId);

function addCreatorId(ctx, instance, next) {
    // alter the model, validation has not occurred yet

Report.observe('before save', sendToThirdParty);

function sendToThirdParty(ctx, instance, next) {
    // send contents to third party, alter model with response
    // validation has not occurred yet

Report.afterRemote('create', sendEmail);

function sendEmail(ctx, record, next) { 
    // model has been saved to the database
    // validation occurs before this point

理想情况下,我希望在调用 addCreatorIdsendToThirdParty 函数之前触发默认环回模型验证。我应该怎么做?

我可以清楚地在我的 before save 挂钩中调用 model.isValid(),但似乎我应该能够重新排列它们以便自动发生。

环回 Operation Hooks documentation doesn't mention when validation occurs, nor do the Remote Hooks 文档。

"I want to update a model before it's saved to the database, after validation has occurred." 我有解决方案。在验证之后和将数据保存到数据库之前调用的环回中使用 'persist' 挂钩。您可以使用其 '' 参数插入或更改您想要的任何数据。希望它有所帮助,虽然有点晚了! Link: