在 Swift 中转换 [UInt32] -> [UInt8] -> [[UInt8]]

Convert [UInt32] -> [UInt8] -> [[UInt8]] in Swift

我正在尝试加快我当前将 [UInt32] 转换为 [UInt8] 的函数的实现,后者又被拆分为 [[UInt8]],每个索引有 6 个数组。


extension Array {
func splitBy(subSize: Int) -> [[Element]] {
    return 0.stride(to: self.count, by: subSize).map { startIndex in
        let endIndex = startIndex.advancedBy(subSize, limit: self.count)
        return Array(self[startIndex ..< endIndex])

func convertWordToBytes(fullW : [UInt32]) -> [[UInt8]] {
    var combined8 = [UInt8]()

    //Convert 17 [UInt32] to 68 [UInt8]
    for i in 0...16{
        _ = 24.stride(through: 0, by: -8).map {
            combined8.append(UInt8(truncatingBitPattern: fullW[i] >> UInt32([=11=])))

    //Split [UInt8] to [[UInt8]] with 6 values at each index.
    let combined48 = combined8.splitBy(6) 

    return combined48


有人有什么想法吗? 谢谢

如果您分析 (Cmd + I) 您的代码,您会发现大部分时间都在处理各种 "copy to buffer" 函数。当您将一个新元素附加到数组但它的初始分配 space 中有 运行 时会发生这种情况,因此必须将其移动到堆 上的位置 有更多的内存。教训的教训:堆分配很慢,但对于数组来说是不可避免的。尽量少做几次。


func convertWordToBytes2(fullW: [UInt32]) -> [[UInt8]] {
    let subSize = 6

    // We allocate the array only once per run since allocation is so slow
    // There will only be assignment to it after
    var combined48 = [UInt8](count: fullW.count * 4, repeatedValue: 0).splitBy(subSize)

    var row = 0
    var col = 0

    for i in 0...16 {
        for j in 24.stride(through: 0, by: -8) {
            let value = UInt8(truncatingBitPattern: fullW[i] >> UInt32(j))
            combined48[row][col] = value

            col += 1
            if col >= subSize {
                row += 1
                col = 0

    return combined48


let testCases = (0..<1_000_000).map { _ in
    (0..<17).map { _ in arc4random() }

testCases.forEach {

结果(在我的 2012 iMac 上)

Weight          Self Weight         Symbol Name
9.35 s   53.2%  412.00 ms           specialized convertWordToBytes([UInt32]) -> [[UInt8]]
3.28 s   18.6%  344.00 ms           specialized convertWordToBytes2([UInt32]) -> [[UInt8]]

通过消除多次分配,我们已经将 运行 时间减少了 60%。但是每个测试用例都是独立的,这非常适合当今多核 CPU 的并行处理。修改后的循环...:[=​​16=]

dispatch_apply(testCases.count, dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_HIGH, 0)) { i in

... 在我的具有 8 个线程的四核 i7 上执行时,将节省大约 1 秒的时间:

Weight    Self Weight       Symbol Name
2.28 s    6.4%  0 s         _dispatch_worker_thread3  0x58467
2.24 s    6.3%  0 s         _dispatch_worker_thread3  0x58463
2.22 s    6.2%  0 s         _dispatch_worker_thread3  0x58464
2.21 s    6.2%  0 s         _dispatch_worker_thread3  0x58466
2.21 s    6.2%  0 s         _dispatch_worker_thread3  0x58465
2.21 s    6.2%  0 s         _dispatch_worker_thread3  0x58461
2.18 s    6.1%  0 s         _dispatch_worker_thread3  0x58462

节省的时间没有我希望的那么多。访问堆内存时显然存在一些争用。为了更快,您应该探索基于 C 的解决方案。