如何将 JavaScript 对象转换为 Map[String,String]?

How do I turn a JavaScript object into Map[String,String]?

index-dev.html 我加载了本地 JavaScript 文件:

<script type="text/javascript" src="map.js"></script>

map.js 在结构上(不是字面上)看起来像这样:

var a2b = {
  "a": "My life closed twice before its close—",
  "b": "It yet remains to see",
  "c": "If Immortality unveil",
  "d": "A third event to me",

  "e": "So huge, so hopeless to conceive",
  "f": "As these that twice befell.",
  "g": "Parting is all we know of heaven,",
  "h": "And all we need of hell.",

  "z": "Emily Dickinson, 1830-1886"

我想出了如何将这个对象加载到 Scala.js:

val a2b = js.Dynamic.global.a2b

现在 a2bDynamic 类型。我要的是Map[String,String].


val a2b = js.Dynamic.global.a2b.asInstanceOf[Map[String,String]]

但这没有用。我应该怎么做才能获得 Map[String,String]

关键是它不是 Map,这就是它不起作用的原因。但是一个js.Dictionary。因此,请将其用于您的 asInstanceOf,如果您确实需要 Scala Map,请在其上使用 toMap 函数:

val a2b = js.Dynamic.global.a2b.asInstanceOf[js.Dictionary[String]].toMap