C++ - 分配器类型提供的非平凡指针的构造是否会抛出异常?

C++ - could construction of a non-trivial pointer supplied by an allocator type throw an exception?

此问题不仅限于内置的 C++11 指针类型(shared_ptr 等),还包括可能在 C++ 中定义并作为标准的一部分包含的任何自定义指针类型-兼容的分配器。

非平凡指针的构造,例如自定义分配器 (std::allocator_traits::pointer) 提供的指针,是否会抛出异常?如果是,为什么?

[allocator.requirements]/4 An allocator type X shall satisfy the requirements of CopyConstructible ( The X::pointer, X::const_pointer, X::void_pointer, and X::const_void_pointer types shall satisfy the requirements of NullablePointer ( No constructor, comparison operator, copy operation, move operation, or swap operation on these types shall exit via an exception...
