运算符比较和 Prelude.compare

operator comparison and Prelude.compare

第 8 章 Programming in Haskell (2e) 定义了一个数据 Tree 和一个二进制搜索函数 occurs:

data Tree a = Leaf a | Node (Tree a) a (Tree a)

occurs :: Ord a => a -> Tree a -> Bool
occurs x (Leaf y)                 = x == y
occurs x (Node l y r) | x == y    = True
                      | x < y     = occurs x l
                      | otherwise = occurs x r

练习 3(第 8 章)要求用 Prelude.compare 和问题重新定义 occurs 和问题:

Why is this new definition more efficient than the original version?


occurs :: Ord a => a -> Tree a -> Bool
occurs x (Leaf y)     = x == y
occurs x (Node l y r) = case compare x y of EQ -> True
                                            LT -> occurs x l
                                            GT -> occurs x r




occurs x (Node l y r) | x == y    = True
                      | x < y     = occurs x l
                      | otherwise = occurs x r


occurs x (Node l y r) = if x == y
                            then True
                            else if x < y
                                then occurs x l
                                else occurs x r

比较(运算符 ==<)最多应用于 xyTree-Node)两次。


occurs x (Node l y r) = case compare x y of EQ -> True
                                            LT -> occurs x l
                                            GT -> occurs x r

xyTree-Node)的比较只做一次,结果保存下来与EQLTGT (Ordering).


operator-comparison = cost(compare(Tree-node)) * 2

Prelude.compare = cost(compare(Tree-node)) + cost(compare(Ordering))*2

随着 Tree-node 变得比 Ordering 更复杂,提升将是显着的。
