在 CSS 视觉格式模型中,"the flow of an element" 是什么意思?

In the CSS Visual Formatting Model, what does "the flow of an element" mean?

CSS2 Section 9.3: Positioning schemes中:

An element is called out of flow if it is floated, absolutely positioned, or is the root element. An element is called in-flow if it is not out-of-flow. The flow of an element A is the set consisting of A and all in-flow elements whose nearest out-of-flow ancestor is A.

我能理解 out of flowin-flow 的意思,但我不明白 "nearest out-of-flow ancestor"在最后一句的意思是。谁能提供一个简单的例子?


div {
  border: 1px solid;
  margin: 10px;
.out-of-flow {
  float: left;
<div id="1" class="in-flow">
  #1 is in-flow
  <div id="1a" class="in-flow">#1a is in-flow</div>
<div id="2" class="in-flow">
  #2 is in-flow
  <div id="2a" class="out-of-flow">#2a is out-of-flow</div>
<div id="3" class="out-of-flow">
  #3 is out-of-flow
  <div id="3a" class="in-flow">#3a is in-flow</div>
<div id="4" class="out-of-flow">
  #4 is out-of-flow
  <div id="4a" class="out-of-flow">#4a is out-of-flow</div>

  • 元素#1 的流只有它自己。它有一个流入的子元素,但由于#1 不是流外的,它不可能是#1a 最近的流外祖先。

  • 元素#2 的流只有它自己。它没有流入后代,即使有,#2 也不是流出。

  • 元素#3的流是它自己和#3a,因为#3a是流入的,它最近的流出祖先是#3.

  • 元素#4 的流只有它自己。它没有流入后代。

An element is called out of flow if it is floated, absolutely positioned, or is the root element.

如果一个元素是浮动的,position:absoluteposition:fixed<html> 元素,它是不流动的。

An element is called in-flow if it is not out-of-flow.


The flow of an element A is the set consisting of A and all in-flow elements whose nearest out-of-flow ancestor is A.

这太令人困惑了。而且网上似乎没有什么可以提供很好的解释。其实连the CSS Working Group refers to this phrase as "nonsensical".

资料来源:我是 CSS 规范编辑。

虽然文本中没有明确说明,但从定义中暗示只有流外元素(包括最常见的根元素)具有流。流是流外元素的所有后代元素,除了那些 "hidden" 通过嵌套到 另一个 流外元素中的元素。


  <p id=one>some in-flow text
  <div style="position: absolute;">
   <p id=two>some in-flow text
  <p id=three>some in-flow text

有两个流外元素 - HTML 元素和 DIV 元素。 HTML元素的"flow"就是它自己,BODY元素,还有#one和#three;如果你遍历其中每一个的祖先树,他们遇到的第一个流外元素是 HTML 元素。

DIV有自己的流程,由它自己和#two组成,因为当你走#two的祖先链时,你先碰到了DIV,然后才碰到了HTML .

粗略地说,元素的 "flow" 是在布局中协同工作的一组事物。流外元素(及其后代)大多独立布局。

这个概念并不是很有用,不过 - 别担心。