覆盖 NameValueCollection ToString

Overriding NameValueCollection ToString

我已经编写了以下扩展方法来覆盖 NameValueCollection.ToString:

public static string ToString(this NameValueCollection a)
    return string.Join("&", a.AllKeys.Select(k => $"{k}={a[k]}"));


当我添加 override 关键字时出现错误:

'ToString(NameValueCollection)': no suitable method found to override

当我添加 new 关键字时,它说不需要 new 关键字:

'ToString(NameValueCollection)' does not hide an inherited member. The new keyword is not required.

如果要为 NameValueCollection 覆盖 ToString(),您需要创建一个继承 NameValueCollection

public class CustomNameValueCollection:NameValueCollection
     public override String ToString()
         return string.Join("&", AllKeys.Select(k => $"{k}={this[k]}"));

您在新的 CustomValueCollection 中填充您的集合,然后您可以调用 ToString()。

CustomValueCollection coll = new CustomValueCollection();
coll.Add("key", "value");

string collString = coll.ToString();