密封盒 类 流

sealed case classes in flow

我正在尝试模仿 Scala 的 sealed case classes in Flow by using disjoint unions:

type ADD_TODO = {

type TOGGLE_TODO = {type:'TOGGLE_TODO', id:number }

type TodoActionTy = ADD_TODO | TOGGLE_TODO

const todo = (todo:TodoTy, action:TodoActionTy) => {
  switch (action.type){
      case 'ADD_TODO' :
          return { id:action.id, text:action.text, completed: false};
      case 'TOGGGGLE_TODO': // this should give a type error 
        if (todo.id !== action.id) {return todo;}
          return {...todo, completed:!todo.completed};

我应该得到 case 'TOGGGGLE_TODO': 的类型错误,但我没有。



我将 Gabriele 的评论中的代码粘贴到此处以确保未来的可靠性:

type TodoTy = {};

type ADD_TODO = { type: 'ADD_TODO', text: string, id: number };

type TOGGLE_TODO = { type: 'TOGGLE_TODO', id: number };

type TodoActionTy = ADD_TODO | TOGGLE_TODO;

export const todo = (todo: TodoTy, action: TodoActionTy) => {
  switch (action.type){
    case 'ADD_TODO': break;
    // Uncomment this line to make the match exaustive and make flow typecheck
    //case 'TOGGLE_TODO': break;
    default: (action: empty)

empty 类型可以用来验证 Flow 是穷举性的

export const todo = (todo: TodoTy, action: TodoActionTy) => {
  switch (action.type){
    case 'ADD_TODO' :
    case 'TOGGGGLE_TODO':
    default :
      // only true if we handled all cases
      (action: empty)
      // (optional) handle return type
      throw 'unknown action'