我有一个 'No overload for svc_methodNameCompleted matches delegate System.EventHandler...' 错误,我不知道如何解决?

I have a 'No overload for svc_methodNameCompleted matches delegate System.EventHandler...' Error and I dont know how to fix it?


    public List<Lecture> ViewUsersLectures(string userID)
        using (var context = new SE_App_DatabaseEntities())
            // select query (linq style) to select all lectures from lectures table in database
            var results = from r in context.Lectures
                          where r.UserID == userID
                          select r;
            // return results to list which will we bind to a listbox in our mobile app
            return results.ToList();


        Service1Client svc = new Service1Client();
        svc.ViewUsersLecturesCompleted += new EventHandler<ViewUsersLecturesCompletedEventArgs>(svc_ViewUsersLecturesCompleted);


    void svc_ViewUsersLecturesCompleted(object sender, ViewLecturesCompletedEventArgs e)
        if (e.Error == null)

            // bind profiles to listbox
            LecturesListBox.ItemsSource = e.Result;
            MessageBox.Show("Profiles downloaded!", "Success", MessageBoxButton.OK);
            MessageBox.Show("Problem viewing lectures", "Unsuccessful", MessageBoxButton.OK);
            Console.WriteLine("An error occured:" + e.Error);

可能是您的 Completed 方法的 EventArgs 类型不匹配(缺少 "Users")?

无效svc_ViewUsersLecturesCompleted(对象发送者,视图用户LecturesCompletedEventArgs e)