
Affecting different Procedures by changing values

我有这个调用其他程序的主程序。但是在两个地方,我需要检查所有值是否正确。如果不是,我希望这个主程序退出。我想要做的是检查我的子过程中的值,如果它们不正确,将 exitall 更改为 true,这将导致子过程停止。问题是,我相当确定如果我在我的子程序中说将 exitall 的值更改为 true,它不会影响我的主程序。

我的问题是,如果在我的子程序中更改了 exitall,我该如何使它在我的主程序中更改?


Sub Allstepstogether()
 Dim r As Integer
 Dim exitall As Boolean
 Dim answer As Variant
 Dim hda As Boolean
 Dim wdfh As Variant

 hda = False
 exitall = False

 Call Clean

 For Each cell In ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Heyaa").Range("C2:C15")
     If Weekday(Date) = vbMonday Then
         If CDate(cell.Value) = Date - 3 
            hda = True
            wdfh = cell.Offset(0, 1).Value
         End If
         If CDate(cell.Value) = Date - 1 Then
             hda = True
             wdfh = cell.Offset(0, 1).Value
         End If
     End If
 Next cell

Call step4

 r = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BlaCheck").Range("A1:A150"))
 If r <> 100 Then
     answer = MsgBox("Data not yet uploaded, try again later.", vbOKOnly)
     Exit Sub
     Call step5
     If exitall = True Then
         Exit Sub
         Call Step7alloptions
         Call step8
         Call Timetocheck
         If exitall = True Then
             Exit Sub
             Call Step9
             Call Step10
             Call Step11
         End If
     End If
 End If
 end sub

步骤 5 的一部分,应该将 exitall 更改为 true,从而在不正确时停止执行主程序。

  sub Step5
  dim exitall as boolean
  dim lr as integer


  lr = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BlaCheck").Range("A1:A500"))
  If lr > 100 Then
     answer = MsgBox("Ups, It did not run correctly, this code execution will be terminated", vbOKOnly)
     exitall = True
     Exit Sub
  End If
  end sub

选项 1 是在全局范围内声明 exitall

Dim exitall As Boolean    '<--Add this at the top of the module.

Sub Allstepstogether()
    Dim r As Integer
    'Dim exitall As Boolean  '<--Remove this from all your Subs.

更好的方法是将您的 Subs 更改为 Functions that return a Boolean 成功并进行测试。请注意,您也不必在 If 条件退出后使用 Else - 这应该会大大降低缩进级别:


Function Step5() As Boolean
    Dim lr As Integer


    lr = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BlaCheck").Range("A1:A500"))
    If lr > 100 Then
       answer = MsgBox("Ups, It did not run correctly, this code execution will be terminated", vbOKOnly)
       Exit Function
    End If
    Step5 = True
End Function


Sub Allstepstogether()
    r = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BlaCheck").Range("A1:A150"))
    If r <> 100 Then
        answer = MsgBox("Data not yet uploaded, try again later.", vbOKOnly)
        Exit Sub
    End If
    If Not Step5 Then Exit Sub
    If Not Timetocheck Then Exit Sub
End Sub