尽管没有关联,但调用 .list() 时,SQL 是每行一次 运行

SQL is run once for every row when .list() is called, despite having no associations

我正在使用 grails 2.5.3


grails {
    hibernate {
        cache.queries = true
        cache.use_second_level_cache = true
        cache.use_query_cache = true
        cache.provider_class =  'net.sf.ehcache.hibernate.SingletonEhCacheProvider'

我的域名 class 如:

class AuthorizedDevice implements JSONFormat {
    int id
    String authKey = generateAuthKey()
    String owner
    String name
    String permittedUsers
    String userAgent
    Date   lastVisit
    Date   lastInitialized
    String lastUser
    String lastIpAddress
    Date   dateCreated
    boolean enabled = true
    String notes

    static constraints = {
        authKey(blank: false, unique: true, maxSize: 8)
        owner(blank: false, validator: GormValidators.isCorpUserName)
        name(blank: false, unique: 'owner')
        permittedUsers(nullable: true, validator: permittedUsersValidator)
        userAgent(nullable: true, maxSize: 500)
        lastVisit(nullable: true)
        lastInitialized(nullable: true)
        lastUser(nullable: true, maxSize: 50)
        lastIpAddress(nullable: true, maxSize: 50)
        notes(nullable: true, maxSize: 500)

    def auditService
    def afterInsert() {auditService.noteDeviceChange('Created Device', id)}
    def afterUpdate() {auditService.noteDeviceChange('Updated Device', id)}
    def afterDelete() {auditService.noteDeviceChange('Deleted Device', null)} // Not allowed by GUI, but just in case.

    public Object formatForJSON() {
        return [
                id: id,
                authKey: authKey,
                owner: owner,
                name: name,
                permittedUsers: permittedUsers,
                userAgent: userAgent,
                lastVisit: lastVisit,
                lastInitialized: lastInitialized,
                lastUser: lastUser,
                lastIpAddress: lastIpAddress,
                enabled: enabled,
                notes: notes

    // Implementation
    private String generateAuthKey() {

    static permittedUsersValidator = {String val, Object obj, Errors errors ->
        if (!val || val.trim().equals('*')) return
        val.split(',').each {
            if (!getCorprUser(it.trim())) {
                errors.rejectValue('permittedUsers', '',
                        "Unknown User ${it}.  Use a comma-delimited list of usernames or  * to indicate all users."



def devices = AuthorizedDevice.list()

我注意到,每次调用 AuthorizedDevice.list() 时,GORM/hibernate 都会对 table 中的每一行执行一个 SQL 查询。

我们在模型字段中没有任何会生成 N+1 查询的关联。

有人知道是什么促使这种 N+1 行为,即使没有任何关联吗?


    this_.id as id4_0_,
    this_.version as version4_0_,
    this_.auth_key as auth3_4_0_,
    this_.date_created as date4_4_0_,
    this_.enabled as enabled4_0_,
    this_.last_initialized as last6_4_0_,
    this_.last_ip_address as last7_4_0_,
    this_.last_user as last8_4_0_,
    this_.last_visit as last9_4_0_,
    this_.name as name4_0_,
    this_.notes as notes4_0_,
    this_.owner as owner4_0_,
    this_.permitted_users as permitted13_4_0_,
    this_.user_agent as user14_4_0_ 
    authorized_device this_

此后每次调用 .list() 时,此 SQL 都会为 table 中的每一行获取 运行:

    authorized0_.id as id4_0_,
    authorized0_.version as version4_0_,
    authorized0_.auth_key as auth3_4_0_,
    authorized0_.date_created as date4_4_0_,
    authorized0_.enabled as enabled4_0_,
    authorized0_.last_initialized as last6_4_0_,
    authorized0_.last_ip_address as last7_4_0_,
    authorized0_.last_user as last8_4_0_,
    authorized0_.last_visit as last9_4_0_,
    authorized0_.name as name4_0_,
    authorized0_.notes as notes4_0_,
    authorized0_.owner as owner4_0_,
    authorized0_.permitted_users as permitted13_4_0_,
    authorized0_.user_agent as user14_4_0_
    authorized_device authorized0_


If a query has cached results, it returns a list of entity Id's, that is then resolved against the second level cache. If the entities with those Ids where not configured as cacheable or if they have expired, then a select will hit the database per entity Id.

For example if a cached query returned 1000 entity Ids, and non of those entities where cached in the second level cache, then 1000 selects by Id will be issued against the database.

The solution to this problem is to configure query results expiration to be aligned with the expiration of the entities returned by the query.

在您的情况下,解决方案可能只是添加到 AuthorizedDevice 中:

static mapping = { cache true } 


因为它看起来像是您提供的第一个 sql 日志的结果:


在缓存中(查询缓存)。所以它不会被执行两次。在我给出的 link 中,解释说结果被缓存为实体 ID 列表。但并非每个实体的所有数据都在缓存中,只有 ids。 然后在对 .list() 的另一个调用期间,hibernate 将在缓存中拥有这些 id,并将尝试在二级缓存中检索相应的实体,但它失败了,然后 hibernate 为每个这些 id 查询数据库。