当作为 class 的成员函数重载时,取消引用运算符 (*) 如何工作?

How does dereference operator (*) work when overloaded as a member function of a class?

当我在 operator overloading 上查找书籍和堆栈溢出文章时,我发现了以下内容:

When an overloaded operator is a member function, this is bound to the left-hand operand. Member operator functions have one less (explicit) parameter than the number of operands.

(Addison Wesley,C++ 入门)

所以我的问题是,由于 *(取消引用)运算符没有任何左操作数,它如何获取其参数(即对象本身或 this)?

前缀 * 对其后的操作数进行运算。

对于用户定义的 operator* 表示为成员函数,这是 this 表达式引用的对象。

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

struct S
    auto operator*() const -> char const* { return "Hi there!"; }

auto main()
    -> int
{ cout << *S() << endl; }


Hi there!


int foo(int *p)
     return *p;

在语句return *p;中,取消引用运算符应用于指针p。右边传给它:


class bar {

     int *some_internal_ptr;

     int operator*() const {
          return *some_internal_ptr;

     // Other class members and methods...

int foo(bar p)
     return *p;

* 运算符的右侧是带有 operator*` 成员的 class 时,它作为 class 的重载方法被调用,与任何其他成员,以解决取消引用。

这是因为用法相同,这就是为什么许多 C++ 库算法与指针或 C++ 库运算符一起工作得同样好。例如,std::copy() 可以 实现如下(我正在修剪一些与这里无关的无关复杂性):

template<typename iter_type>
iter_type copy(iter_type b, iter_type e, iter_type t)
    while (b != e)
    return t;

您可以将本机指针传递给 std::copy,或者像迭代器一样传递 classes,使用重载的 * 运算符,并且因为重载的 * 运算符用于与普通 * 运算符相同的语法,相同的算法也适用于重载运算符。


As an added question would there be any difference in how the overloaded * operator is used if it is defined as a non-member function vs a member function

在大多数情况下,不,除了非成员函数不能访问那个class的私有成员,如果成员函数和非成员函数都存在,编译器需要使用overload resolution to pick the higher rank function, if there're no better function, it's ambigious call, see ADL

对于可靠的来源,您可以查看 operator overloading,或者,更好的是,标准 C++ 中的第 13.5.1 节 [over.unary]:

A prefix unary operator shall be implemented by a non-static member function (9.3) with no parameters or a non-member function with one parameter. Thus, for any prefix unary operator @, @x can be interpreted as either x.operator@() or operator@(x). If both forms of the operator function have been declared, the rules in determine which, if any, interpretation is used. See 13.5.7 for an explanation of the postfix unary operators ++ and --. 2 The unary and binary forms of the same operator are considered to have the same name. [ Note: Consequently, a unary operator can hide a binary operator from an enclosing scope, and vice versa. —end note ]

同时有会员和非会员的选择,见13.3.1.2 [over.match.oper]