在 SBCL 中获取线程 ID
Get Thread ID in SBCL
我正在使用 Lisp sb-thread 包。当我使用 *current-thread*
获取线程 ID 时,最后计算的表达式的结果也与线程 ID 一起返回。我只需要程序的线程 ID。
SBCL 有 setf
-able thread names,没有 IDs:
(sb-thread:thread-name SB-THREAD:*CURRENT-THREAD*)
==> "main thread"
生活中有时会非常需要线程的 ID,例如:
"I had a situation where on SBCL on Linux, I had multiple worker
threads on my machine, and one of them was taking 100% of my CPU. I
wanted to retrieve the thread object of the offending thread, but this
turned out to be non-trivial."
(defun thread-real-id ()
(sb-alien:extern-alien "syscall"
;; sb-alien:unsigned is the return value's type and int is the parameter's type
(function sb-alien:unsigned int))
;; if on your system it returns 0xFFFFFFFF then try 186 instead of 224
;; or check the right gettid syscall value for your system.
(ql:quickload :bordeaux-threads)
(let ((top-level *standard-output*))
(bt:make-thread (lambda()
(format top-level "my id is ~A~%" (thread-real-id)))))
; output:
my id is 657
在手册页中,syscall 函数的原型是 long syscall(long number, ...)
,因此参数和 ret 值的正确类型都是 LONG,但我不确定如何使用 sb-alien 指定它: 类型
我查看了 sbcl 的 src:
find . -name "*alien*" -exec echo {} \; -exec grep define-alien-type-tr {} \;
(defun %define-alien-type-translator (name translator)
(define-alien-type-translator system-area-pointer ()
(define-alien-type-translator signed (&optional (bits sb!vm:n-word-bits))
(define-alien-type-translator integer (&optional (bits sb!vm:n-word-bits))
(define-alien-type-translator unsigned (&optional (bits sb!vm:n-word-bits))
(define-alien-type-translator boolean (&optional (bits sb!vm:n-word-bits))
(define-alien-type-translator enum (&whole
(define-alien-type-translator single-float ()
(define-alien-type-translator double-float ()
(define-alien-type-translator * (to &environment env)
(define-alien-type-translator array (ele-type &rest dims &environment env)
(define-alien-type-translator struct (name &rest fields &environment env)
(define-alien-type-translator union (name &rest fields &environment env)
(define-alien-type-translator function (result-type &rest arg-types
(define-alien-type-translator values (&rest values &environment env)
# not sure which of them is the type for LONG
ps -To pid,tid -p `pidof sbcl`
;如果您需要 PID,请执行 (sb-posix:getpid)
或调用 "getpid" 外星人:
(sb-alien:extern-alien "getpid"
(function sb-alien:unsigned)) )
如果您使用 Windows,您可以使用以下代码(取自此处:https://www.linux.org.ru/forum/development/11998951)
typedef struct pthread_thread {
pthread_fn start_routine;
void* arg;
HANDLE handle;
(defun get-thread-handle (thread)
"Retrieves WIN32 thread HANDLE from SBCL thread"
(declare (type sb-thread:thread thread))
(let* ((pthread-pointer
(sb-sys:int-sap (sb-thread::thread-os-thread thread)))
pthread-pointer (sb-alien:struct nil
(start-addr (* t))
(arg (* t))
(handle (* t))))))
(sb-alien:alien-sap (sb-alien:slot pthread-alien 'handle))))
(defun get-thread-id (thread)
"Retrieves WIN32 thread ID from SBCL thread"
(declare (type sb-thread:thread thread))
(sb-alien:extern-alien "GetThreadId" (function sb-alien:unsigned
(* t)))
(get-thread-handle thread)))
(get-thread-id sb-thread:*current-thread*) ; ==> 62
更新 原来上面的windows代码也可以简化为一行:
(sb-alien:alien-funcall (sb-alien:extern-alien "GetCurrentThreadId" (function sb-alien:unsigned)))
我正在使用 Lisp sb-thread 包。当我使用 *current-thread*
获取线程 ID 时,最后计算的表达式的结果也与线程 ID 一起返回。我只需要程序的线程 ID。
SBCL 有 setf
-able thread names,没有 IDs:
(sb-thread:thread-name SB-THREAD:*CURRENT-THREAD*)
==> "main thread"
生活中有时会非常需要线程的 ID,例如: https://bugs.launchpad.net/sbcl/+bug/1751562
"I had a situation where on SBCL on Linux, I had multiple worker threads on my machine, and one of them was taking 100% of my CPU. I wanted to retrieve the thread object of the offending thread, but this turned out to be non-trivial."
(defun thread-real-id ()
(sb-alien:extern-alien "syscall"
;; sb-alien:unsigned is the return value's type and int is the parameter's type
(function sb-alien:unsigned int))
;; if on your system it returns 0xFFFFFFFF then try 186 instead of 224
;; or check the right gettid syscall value for your system.
(ql:quickload :bordeaux-threads)
(let ((top-level *standard-output*))
(bt:make-thread (lambda()
(format top-level "my id is ~A~%" (thread-real-id)))))
; output:
my id is 657
在手册页中,syscall 函数的原型是 long syscall(long number, ...)
,因此参数和 ret 值的正确类型都是 LONG,但我不确定如何使用 sb-alien 指定它: 类型
我查看了 sbcl 的 src:
find . -name "*alien*" -exec echo {} \; -exec grep define-alien-type-tr {} \;
(defun %define-alien-type-translator (name translator)
(define-alien-type-translator system-area-pointer ()
(define-alien-type-translator signed (&optional (bits sb!vm:n-word-bits))
(define-alien-type-translator integer (&optional (bits sb!vm:n-word-bits))
(define-alien-type-translator unsigned (&optional (bits sb!vm:n-word-bits))
(define-alien-type-translator boolean (&optional (bits sb!vm:n-word-bits))
(define-alien-type-translator enum (&whole
(define-alien-type-translator single-float ()
(define-alien-type-translator double-float ()
(define-alien-type-translator * (to &environment env)
(define-alien-type-translator array (ele-type &rest dims &environment env)
(define-alien-type-translator struct (name &rest fields &environment env)
(define-alien-type-translator union (name &rest fields &environment env)
(define-alien-type-translator function (result-type &rest arg-types
(define-alien-type-translator values (&rest values &environment env)
# not sure which of them is the type for LONG
ps -To pid,tid -p `pidof sbcl`
;如果您需要 PID,请执行 (sb-posix:getpid)
或调用 "getpid" 外星人:
(sb-alien:extern-alien "getpid"
(function sb-alien:unsigned)) )
如果您使用 Windows,您可以使用以下代码(取自此处:https://www.linux.org.ru/forum/development/11998951)
typedef struct pthread_thread {
pthread_fn start_routine;
void* arg;
HANDLE handle;
(defun get-thread-handle (thread)
"Retrieves WIN32 thread HANDLE from SBCL thread"
(declare (type sb-thread:thread thread))
(let* ((pthread-pointer
(sb-sys:int-sap (sb-thread::thread-os-thread thread)))
pthread-pointer (sb-alien:struct nil
(start-addr (* t))
(arg (* t))
(handle (* t))))))
(sb-alien:alien-sap (sb-alien:slot pthread-alien 'handle))))
(defun get-thread-id (thread)
"Retrieves WIN32 thread ID from SBCL thread"
(declare (type sb-thread:thread thread))
(sb-alien:extern-alien "GetThreadId" (function sb-alien:unsigned
(* t)))
(get-thread-handle thread)))
(get-thread-id sb-thread:*current-thread*) ; ==> 62
更新 原来上面的windows代码也可以简化为一行:
(sb-alien:alien-funcall (sb-alien:extern-alien "GetCurrentThreadId" (function sb-alien:unsigned)))