如何在 R corrgram 中使用轴标签?

How to have axis labels in R corrgram?

我想在 x 轴和 y 轴上有水平和垂直标签,请参见以下伪代码。 Henrik 对 2013 年相关主题的评论是关于关闭对角线标签,然后尝试为轴关联标签,但我不想关闭对角线标签

You may turn the diagonal labels off by setting labels = NULL. Then you can try to add your labels where you wish by using text

ids <- c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18)
# https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/corrgram/vignettes/corrgram_examples.html
corrgram(baseball,main="Baseball data PC2/PC1 order") +
          xlab("Patient 1 ID") +
          ylab("Patient 2 ID") +
          scale_x_discrete(labels = ids) +
          scale_y_discrete(labels = ids)

图1 条测试数据

测试 JayT 的提议

最好用所有可能的参数重载第一个参数位置,然后在新函数中只有一个额外的参数 ids;伪代码

corrgramLabels <- function(x, ids){
        mtext("Patient 1 ID", side = 1, line = 4)
        mtext("Patient 2 ID", side = 2, line = 3)
        x_at <- seq(0.075, 0.925, length.out = length(ids))
        y_at <- seq(0.075, 0.91, length.out = length(ids))
        axis(1, at=x_at, labels=x_labels, line = 1.5, tick=F, cex.axis=.7)
        axis(2, at=y_at, labels=y_labels, line = 1, tick=F, cex.axis=.7)




Error in corrgramLabels(M, upper.panel = panel.pie, lower.panel = panel.shade,  : 
  unused arguments (upper.panel = panel.pie, lower.panel = panel.shade, text.panel = panel.txt, order = NULL, diag.panel = panel.minmax, main = title)
Execution halted


我实际上认为最好的解决方案是一个独立于 corrgram 的函数。在 corrgram() 之后启动一个函数 createLabels() 并且你得到了结果。这可能吗?

OS:Debian 8.5
R: 3.3.1
相关:Corrgram Package Horizontal and Vertical Labels

对于轴,您可以使用多行文本(m 表示边距区域;文本不起作用):

ids <- seq(1, 18)
corrgram(baseball,main="Baseball data PC2/PC1 order")

mtext("Patient 1 ID", side = 1, line = 4)
mtext("Patient 2 ID", side = 2, line = 3)


标签比较难。你可以用 mtext 或 axis 来做,但如果你调整图形的大小,它就不会与其余的相适应。所以这并不是最佳选择。如果你知道你的身材会有多大,它应该仍然有效;例如800x800像素,优化位置(at参数):

axis(1, at=seq(0.09, 0.91, length.out = length(ids)),
     labels=as.character(ids), line = 1.5, tick=F, cex.axis=.7)
axis(2, at=seq(0.08, 0.88, length.out = length(ids)),
     labels=as.character(ids), line = 1, tick=F, cex.axis=.7)

图输出: Test data with axes and labels


根据 Masi 的评论进行编辑: 当然我们可以围绕它构建一个函数:

corrgramMasi <- function(x, main, xlab, ylab, x_labels, y_labels, x_at, y_at){
  corrgram(x=x, main=main)
  mtext(xlab, side = 1, line = 4)
  mtext(ylab, side = 2, line = 3)
  axis(1, at=x_at, labels=x_labels, line = 1.5, tick=F, cex.axis=.7)
  axis(2, at=y_at, labels=y_labels, line = 1, tick=F, cex.axis=.7)

使用具有调整后的 "at" 参数值的函数来保存分辨率为 800x800 像素的图形的插图:

x_at <- seq(0.075, 0.925, length.out = length(ids))
y_at <- seq(0.075, 0.91, length.out = length(ids))
png("corrgramMasi.png", width=800, height=800)
  corrgramMasi(baseball, "Baseball data PC2/PC1 order", xlab="Patient 1 ID",
               ylab="Patient 2 ID", x_labels=ids, y_labels=ids, x_at=x_at, y_at=y_at)


Map(corrgramMasi, x=list(baseball, baseball), main=list("title 1", "title 2"), 
    xlab="Patient 1 ID", ylab="Patient 2 ID", x_labels=ids, y_labels=ids,
    x_at=x_at, y_at=y_at)

如果你有 10 个 corrgrams,那么只需将数据放入 x 列表并更改标题(或将它们也设置为常量值)。如果您想更改另一个值(例如 xlab),则必须使用具有相应值的列表,例如xlab=list("xlab for corrgram 1", "xlab for corrgram 2", ...).

但如前所述,"at" 参数在这里有点脏,所以这肯定不是最好的解决方案。

编辑 2:正如 Masi 所建议的,最好使用单独的函数来创建标签:

createLabels <- function(xlab, ylab, x_labels, y_labels, x_at, y_at){
  mtext(xlab, side = 1, line = 4)
  mtext(ylab, side = 2, line = 3)
  axis(1, at=x_at, labels=x_labels, line = 1.5, tick=F, cex.axis=.7)
  axis(2, at=y_at, labels=y_labels, line = 1, tick=F, cex.axis=.7)


corrgram(baseball,main="Baseball data PC2/PC1 order")
createLabels(xlab="Patient 1 ID", ylab="Patient 2 ID", x_labels=ids,
             y_labels=ids, x_at=x_at, y_at=y_at)