Linq to sql string.Join() 中的不同值

distinct values in a Linq to sql string.Join()

我有一个 table,其中包含 class 的时间表。它包含 class 的教师 ID 和姓名、日期时间以及该特定时间的课程。

teacherid    teachername    startdate         coursename
1            john           9/1/2014 10:00    math
2            john           9/2/2014 10:00    math
3            jane           9/3/2014 10:00    english
4            john           9/4/2014 10:00    french
5            jack           9/5/2014 10:00    history
6            jane           9/6/2014 10:00    math

我想写一个 linq to sql query which returns which teacher to which courses, as such:

Teachername    courses
john           math, french
jane           english, math
jack           history


var _classes = from _c in dbContext.classes                           
                       where _c.StartDate < System.DateTime.Now
                       group _c by new
                       } into g
                       select new
                           courses = string.Join(",", from i in g select i.CourseName)


Teachername    courses
john           math, math, french
jane           english, math
jack           history

所以约翰得到了两次数学值。 如何让 string.Join 函数使用不同的值?


distinct 没有查询语法,因此您应该更改为方法语法:

courses = string.Join(",", g.Select(i => i.CourseName).Distinct())

Distinct 添加到 String.Join 中的 select 子句,例如:

courses = string.Join(",", (from i in g select i.CourseName).Distinct())

或者使用 select 的方法语法,如:

courses = string.Join(",", (g.Select(i=> i.CourseName).Distinct())