如何 运行 映射到 avd Android Studio ide?
how to run map on avd Android Studio ide?
我正在尝试 运行 在我的 avd 上进行映射。但这给了我一些错误。我是 Android 上的新人。以下是我的步骤:
1.My avd 显示,Map1 不会 运行 除非你更新 Google 播放服务。
2.Run 日志显示:
W/GooglePlayServicesUtil: Google Play services out of date. Requires 9877000 but found 9683270.
3.I 尝试搜索发现我需要更新我的播放服务。
3.1。所以我手动下载了 apk
文件并尝试在 AVD
3.2。所以我关注SDKManager->AndroidSDK->SDKTools->and updated all
3.3。还有 File->Project Structure->App->Dependencies->added Play Services Manually
3.4 然后最后我尝试使用不同 AVD API 20-25 级别的相同代码并获得相同的输出:
$ adb shell am start -n
"***********.map1/***********.map1.MapsActivity" -a
android.intent.action.MAIN -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER
Connected to process 4080 on device Nexus_4_API_22 [emulator-5554]
I/InstantRun: Instant Run Runtime started. Android package is
***********.map1, real application class is null. W/art: Failed to find OatDexFile for DexFile
( canonical path
with checksum 0xfc12792c in OatFile
I/FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization unsuccessful
W/GooglePlayServicesUtil: Google Play services out of date. Requires
9877000 but found 9683270 W/GooglePlayServicesUtil: Google Play
services out of date. Requires 9877000 but found 9683270
W/GooglePlayServicesUtil: Google Play services out of date. Requires
9877000 but found 9683270 W/GooglePlayServicesUtil: Google Play
services out of date. Requires 9877000 but found 9683270
W/GooglePlayServicesUtil: Google Play services out of date. Requires
9877000 but found 9683270 W/GooglePlayServicesUtil: Google Play
services out of date. Requires 9877000 but found 9683270
W/GooglePlayServicesUtil: Google Play services out of date. Requires
9877000 but found 9683270 W/GooglePlayServicesUtil: Google Play
services out of date. Requires 9877000 but found 9683270
W/GooglePlayServicesUtil: Google Play services out of date. Requires
9877000 but found 9683270 W/GooglePlayServicesUtil: Google Play
services out of date. Requires 9877000 but found 9683270
W/GooglePlayServicesUtil: Google Play services out of date. Requires
9877000 but found 9683270 W/GooglePlayServicesUtil: Google Play
services out of date. Requires 9877000 but found 9683270
W/GooglePlayServicesUtil: Google Play services out of date. Requires
9877000 but found 9683270 D/OpenGLRenderer: Use
[ 11-03 11:15:10.206 4080: 4080 D/ ]
HostConnection::get() New Host Connection established 0xa2c050d0, tid 4080 D/Atlas: Validating map...
I/OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4 D/OpenGLRenderer:
Enabling debug mode 0 W/EGL_emulation: eglSurfaceAttrib not
implemented W/OpenGLRenderer: Failed to set EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR on
surface 0xa2c065e0, error=EGL_SUCCESS`
- 我的代码在我的设备上正常运行。我想 运行 它在我的 AVD 上。
5.My AVD 有:
` 姓名:Nexus_5_API_21
CPU/ABI: Google APIs Intel Atom (x86)
Path: C:\**\*****\.android\avd\Nexus_5_API_21.avd
Target: google_apis [Google APIs] (API level 21)
Skin: nexus_5
SD Card: 100M
hw.dPad: no
runtime.network.speed: full
hw.accelerometer: yes
hw.device.name: Nexus 5
vm.heapSize: 64
skin.dynamic: yes
hw.device.manufacturer: Google
hw.gps: yes
hw.initialOrientation: Portrait
image.androidVersion.api: 21
hw.audioInput: yes
image.sysdir.1: system-images\android-21\google_apis\x86\
tag.id: google_apis
showDeviceFrame: yes
hw.camera.back: emulated
hw.mainKeys: no
AvdId: Nexus_5_API_21
hw.camera.front: emulated
hw.lcd.density: 480
avd.ini.displayname: Nexus 5 API 21
hw.gpu.mode: auto
hw.device.hash2: MD5:*********ceb7d385183***********
hw.ramSize: 1536
hw.trackBall: no
hw.battery: yes
hw.cpu.ncore: 2
hw.sdCard: yes
tag.display: Google APIs
runtime.network.latency: none
hw.keyboard: yes
hw.sensors.proximity: yes
disk.dataPartition.size: 800M
hw.sensors.orientation: yes
avd.ini.encoding: UTF-8
hw.gpu.enabled: yes`
首先尝试更新您的 AVD 服务。如果你运气好,那么它会起作用,否则你的地图就会开始。
您需要做的就是启动 AVD 并按照以下步骤操作:-
进入设置->应用程序->全部->Google Play 服务
并记下您的 AVD 中的版本。
现在打开你的 build.gradle(Module:app) 而不是 build.gradle(Project: '****') 并将依赖项更改为 [compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services:{你的服务版本}].
我正在尝试 运行 在我的 avd 上进行映射。但这给了我一些错误。我是 Android 上的新人。以下是我的步骤:
1.My avd 显示,Map1 不会 运行 除非你更新 Google 播放服务。
2.Run 日志显示:
W/GooglePlayServicesUtil: Google Play services out of date. Requires 9877000 but found 9683270.
3.I 尝试搜索发现我需要更新我的播放服务。
3.1。所以我手动下载了 apk
文件并尝试在 AVD
3.2。所以我关注SDKManager->AndroidSDK->SDKTools->and updated all
3.3。还有 File->Project Structure->App->Dependencies->added Play Services Manually
3.4 然后最后我尝试使用不同 AVD API 20-25 级别的相同代码并获得相同的输出: '
$ adb shell am start -n "***********.map1/***********.map1.MapsActivity" -a android.intent.action.MAIN -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER Connected to process 4080 on device Nexus_4_API_22 [emulator-5554] I/InstantRun: Instant Run Runtime started. Android package is ***********.map1, real application class is null. W/art: Failed to find OatDexFile for DexFile /data/data/**********.map1/files/instant-run/dex/slice-slice_2-classes.dex ( canonical path /data/data/***********.map1/files/instant-run/dex/slice-slice_2-classes.dex) with checksum 0xfc12792c in OatFile /data/data/*********.map1/cache/slice-slice_2-classes.dex I/FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization unsuccessful W/GooglePlayServicesUtil: Google Play services out of date. Requires 9877000 but found 9683270 W/GooglePlayServicesUtil: Google Play services out of date. Requires 9877000 but found 9683270 W/GooglePlayServicesUtil: Google Play services out of date. Requires 9877000 but found 9683270 W/GooglePlayServicesUtil: Google Play services out of date. Requires 9877000 but found 9683270 W/GooglePlayServicesUtil: Google Play services out of date. Requires 9877000 but found 9683270 W/GooglePlayServicesUtil: Google Play services out of date. Requires 9877000 but found 9683270 W/GooglePlayServicesUtil: Google Play services out of date. Requires 9877000 but found 9683270 W/GooglePlayServicesUtil: Google Play services out of date. Requires 9877000 but found 9683270 W/GooglePlayServicesUtil: Google Play services out of date. Requires 9877000 but found 9683270 W/GooglePlayServicesUtil: Google Play services out of date. Requires 9877000 but found 9683270 W/GooglePlayServicesUtil: Google Play services out of date. Requires 9877000 but found 9683270 W/GooglePlayServicesUtil: Google Play services out of date. Requires 9877000 but found 9683270 W/GooglePlayServicesUtil: Google Play services out of date. Requires 9877000 but found 9683270 D/OpenGLRenderer: Use EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR_PRESERVED: true
[ 11-03 11:15:10.206 4080: 4080 D/ ] HostConnection::get() New Host Connection established 0xa2c050d0, tid 4080 D/Atlas: Validating map...
I/OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4 D/OpenGLRenderer: Enabling debug mode 0 W/EGL_emulation: eglSurfaceAttrib not implemented W/OpenGLRenderer: Failed to set EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR on surface 0xa2c065e0, error=EGL_SUCCESS`
- 我的代码在我的设备上正常运行。我想 运行 它在我的 AVD 上。
5.My AVD 有:
` 姓名:Nexus_5_API_21
CPU/ABI: Google APIs Intel Atom (x86)
Path: C:\**\*****\.android\avd\Nexus_5_API_21.avd
Target: google_apis [Google APIs] (API level 21)
Skin: nexus_5
SD Card: 100M
hw.dPad: no
runtime.network.speed: full
hw.accelerometer: yes
hw.device.name: Nexus 5
vm.heapSize: 64
skin.dynamic: yes
hw.device.manufacturer: Google
hw.gps: yes
hw.initialOrientation: Portrait
image.androidVersion.api: 21
hw.audioInput: yes
image.sysdir.1: system-images\android-21\google_apis\x86\
tag.id: google_apis
showDeviceFrame: yes
hw.camera.back: emulated
hw.mainKeys: no
AvdId: Nexus_5_API_21
hw.camera.front: emulated
hw.lcd.density: 480
avd.ini.displayname: Nexus 5 API 21
hw.gpu.mode: auto
hw.device.hash2: MD5:*********ceb7d385183***********
hw.ramSize: 1536
hw.trackBall: no
hw.battery: yes
hw.cpu.ncore: 2
hw.sdCard: yes
tag.display: Google APIs
runtime.network.latency: none
hw.keyboard: yes
hw.sensors.proximity: yes
disk.dataPartition.size: 800M
hw.sensors.orientation: yes
avd.ini.encoding: UTF-8
hw.gpu.enabled: yes`
首先尝试更新您的 AVD 服务。如果你运气好,那么它会起作用,否则你的地图就会开始。
您需要做的就是启动 AVD 并按照以下步骤操作:-
进入设置->应用程序->全部->Google Play 服务 并记下您的 AVD 中的版本。
现在打开你的 build.gradle(Module:app) 而不是 build.gradle(Project: '****') 并将依赖项更改为 [compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services:{你的服务版本}].