代码如何检测动画帧内是否有 运行?

How can code detect if running inside an animation frame?

如果将某个函数传递给 requestAnimationFrame(),该函数如何检测到它是在动画帧内调用的?


function someFunction() {
  if (/* What goes here? */) {
    console.log('Inside animation frame.')
  else {
    console.log('Not inside animation frame.')

// The following lines should not be modified for the answer.
someFunction() // logs "Not inside animation frame."
requestAnimationFrame(someFunction) // eventually logs "Inside animation frame."


您可以 bind 您传递给 requestAnimationFrame 的函数。

function someFunction(isInsideAnimationFrame, domHighResTimestamp) {
  if (isInsideAnimationFrame) {
    console.log('Inside animation frame.')
  else {
    console.log('Not inside animation frame.')

someFunction() // logs "Not inside animation frame."

requestAnimationFrame(someFunction.bind(null, true)) // eventually logs "Inside animation frame."

有关其工作原理的详细信息,请参阅 Function.prototype.bind


查看 window.requestAnimationFrame 的文档,回调即 someFunction 将使用 DOMHighResTimeStamp 调用,即 .

someFunction 可以用

function someFunction(domHighResTimestamp) {
  if (domHighResTimestamp) {
    console.log('Inside animation frame.')
  else {
    console.log('Not inside animation frame.')

不幸的是,不能保证使用 someFunction 的人不会调用它来传递值。

目前无法在 Javascript 中获取调用代码的上下文,因此除非您更改 requestAnimationFrame(),否则您无法做您想做的事,但幸运的是您可以做到。试试这个...

// save a reference to the existing method and then override it...
window._requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame;
window.requestAnimationFrame = function(callback) {
 return window._requestAnimationFrame(function() {

function someFunction() {
 if (arguments.length && arguments[0]) {
  console.log('Inside animation frame.')
 else {
  console.log('Not inside animation frame.')


把我自己的答案放在这里供参考(感谢@phuzi、@Archer 和@spender):

// save a reference to the existing method and then override it...
window.requestAnimationFrame = function (raf) { return function(callback) {
  return raf(function(time) {
    callback(time, true);

function someFunction(time, inFrame = false) {
  if (inFrame) {
    console.log('Inside animation frame.')
  else {
    console.log('Not inside animation frame.')

someFunction(); // logs "Not inside animation frame."
someFunction(63245); // still logs "Not inside animation frame."
requestAnimationFrame(someFunction); // eventually logs "Inside animation frame."