需要使用 RestClient 挽救 401 状态码

Need to rescue 401 status code using RestClient

我正在使用 Rails gem 通过 RestClient 向 api 发送请求。我需要挽救 401 错误代码。我在 RestClient 文档中看到了以下内容:

> RestClient.get('http://my-rest-service.com/resource'){ |response,
> request, result, &block|   case response.code   when 200
>     p "It worked !"
>     response   when 423
>     raise SomeCustomExceptionIfYouWant   else
>     response.return!(request, result, &block)   end }


case response.code
 when 200
 when 401
  raise AuthenicationError, "Unauthorized"
  raise RestClient::ExceptionWithResponse

它捕获了 200 个案例,但忽略了 401 个案例并直接进入其他。关于对通过 RestClient 返回的响应引发 401 异常的任何建议?

您使用了错误的 HTTP 代码。未授权实际上是401,而不是410。

我不能告诉你为什么我确定 rest-client 回购可以告诉你 :) ...但是使用 RestClient::Request.new 然后执行带有块的 api 调用为了我。 我认为这可能与 RestClient 内置异常这一事实有关。

request = RestClient::Request.new(
    method: :get,
    url: 'https://my-rest-service.com/resource.json')
response = request.execute {|response| response}
case response.code
  when 200
    puts "Good"
  when 401 
    puts "Bad"
    raise Exception

It captures the 200 case fine but ignores the 401 case and goes straight to the else.

我宁愿怀疑它不会去其他地方,实际上;即使你完全去掉 else 子句,你仍然会得到 RestClient::ExceptionWithResponse,因为 that's what RestClient.get does when it gets an error response such as in the 400 or 500 range。来自自述文件:

  • for result codes between 200 and 207, a RestClient::Response will be returned
  • for result codes 301, 302 or 307, the redirection will be followed if the request is a GET or a HEAD
  • for result code 303, the redirection will be followed and the request transformed into a GET
  • for other cases, a RestClient::ExceptionWithResponse holding the Response will be raised; a specific exception class will be thrown for known error codes
  • call .response on the exception to get the server's response

如果您在 rescue 块中捕获来自 Request.execute 的异常,请注意您还可以从异常中获取响应正文,例如:

def request(method, url, params = {})
  resp = RestClient::Request.execute(
    method: method,
    url: url,
    timeout: 30,
    accept: :json,
    payload: params.to_json,
    headers: {
      content_type: :json,
rescue => e
  { error: e.message, body: JSON.parse(e.response.body) }               # <-------------