根据键值之一删除 CNContact 数组

Removing a CNContact array based on one of its key value

我是 swift 新手,正在尝试使用联系人框架,但遇到了一个问题:-

我有一个名为 contactsCNContact 数组,键为 givenNamefamilyNamephoneNumbers。 我想从 contacts

的数组中过滤掉某些定义为类型 Stringnames


for name in namesToRemove { // 'name' is always in fullname format
    contacts = contacts.filter () { [=10=].givenName + " " + [=10=].familyName != name }

但仅当同时指定 givenNamefamilyName 时删除才有效。

此外,请记住,在 iPhone 设备上,某些联系人的全名仅在其 'First name' 或 'Last name' 列中指定。


您可以将 contains 用于 namesToRemove 数组作为对 contacts:

filter 操作的条件
let filteredContacts = contacts.filter { !namesToRemove.contains([=10=].givenName) }

我们首先设置一个 CNContact 示例结构(因为您没有向我们提供最小的工作示例...)

/* example setup */
struct CNContact {
    let givenName: String
    let familyName: String
    let phoneNumbers: [String]
    init(_ givenName: String, _ familyName: String, 
         _ phoneNumbers: [String]) { 
        self.givenName = givenName
        self.familyName = familyName
        self.phoneNumbers = phoneNumbers

let contacts = [CNContact("David", "Scott",   ["123-567", "010-111"]),
                CNContact("Lisa",  "Rowling", ["134-521", "121-731"]),
                CNContact("Brad",  "Knight",  ["621-141", "551-723"]),
                CNContact("David", "Phelps",  ["652-723", "718-888"]),
                CNContact("Sarah", "Bright",  ["166-720", "378-743"])]


/* example #1: 
   filter by removing any contacts that whose 'givenName' property
   are contained in a list of given surnames to remove 'namesToRemove' */
let namesToRemove1 = ["David", "Sarah"]
let filteredContacts1 = contacts.filter { !namesToRemove1.contains([=12=].givenName) }

filteredContacts1.forEach { 
    print([=12=].givenName, [=12=].familyName, [=12=].phoneNumbers.first ?? "none") 
} /* Lisa Rowling 134-521
     Brad Knight 621-141 */

/* example #2: 
   filter by removing any contacts that whose 'givenName' and 'familyName'
   properties are contained in a list of given full names to remove ('namesToRemove'), 
   where we know these full names are separated by exactly a single whitespace */
let namesToRemove2 = ["David Phelps", "Sarah Bright"]
let filteredContacts2 = contacts.filter { 
    !namesToRemove2.contains([=12=].givenName + " " + [=12=].familyName) }

filteredContacts2.forEach { 
    print([=12=].givenName, [=12=].familyName, [=12=].phoneNumbers.first ?? "none") 
} /* David Scott 123-567
     Lisa Rowling 134-521
     Brad Knight 621-141  */


/* example #3: 
   filter by removing any contacts where at least one of the following
   1. 'givenName' + " " + 'familyName' equals a name in 'namesToRemove',
   2. 'givenName' by itself equals a name in 'namesToRemove',
   3. 'familyName' by itself equals a name in 'namesToRemove', */

let contacts2 = [CNContact("David", "Scott",   ["123-567", "010-111"]),
                CNContact("Lisa",  "Rowling", ["134-521", "121-731"]),
                CNContact("",  "Brad Knight",  ["621-141", "551-723"]),
                CNContact("David Phelps", "",  ["652-723", "718-888"]),
                CNContact("Sarah", "Bright",  ["166-720", "378-743"])]
   print(" ")
let namesToRemove3 = ["David Phelps", "Sarah Bright", "Brad Knight"]
let filteredContacts3 = contacts2.filter { 
    !(namesToRemove3.contains([=13=].givenName + " " + [=13=].familyName) ||
      namesToRemove3.contains([=13=].givenName) ||
      namesToRemove3.contains([=13=].familyName)) }

filteredContacts3.forEach { 
    print([=13=].givenName, [=13=].familyName, [=13=].phoneNumbers.first ?? "none") 
} /* David Scott 123-567
     Lisa Rowling 134-521 */