如何在 ORDER BY 子句中使用此主键中的第二列以及使用 UPDATE 命令更新它

How can I use the second column in this primary key both in ORDER BY clause as well as update it using an UPDATE command


CREATE TABLE threadpool(
threadtype int, 
threadid bigint, 
jobcount bigint, 
valid boolean, 
PRIMARY KEY (threadtype, jobcount, threadid)

我想 运行 关于此 table 的以下 2 个查询。

  1. SELECT * FROM threadpool WHERE threadtype = 1 ORDER BY jobcount ASC LIMIT 1;

  2. UPDATE threadpool SET valid = false WHERE threadtype = 1 and threadid = 4;


InvalidRequest: code=2200 [Invalid query] message="PRIMARY KEY column "threadid" cannot be restricted (preceding column "jobcount" is either not restricted or by a non-EQ relation)"



  • 只能使用 CQL 语句递增数据类型 counter 的值
  • 计数器表只能将计数器作为 PK 旁边的单个列
  • 您不能按计数器值排序