C# 泛型类型相等运算符

C# generic types equality operator


When applying the where T : class constraint, avoid the == and != operators on the type parameter because these operators will test for reference identity only, not for value equality. This is the case even if these operators are overloaded in a type that is used as an argument. The following code illustrates this point; the output is false even though the String class overloads the == operator.

public static void OpTest<T>(T s, T t) where T : class
    System.Console.WriteLine(s == t);

static void Main()
    string s1 = "target";
    System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder("target");
    string s2 = sb.ToString();
    OpTest<string>(s1, s2);


static void Main()
    string s1 = "target";
    string s2 = "target";
    OpTest<string>(s1, s2);

它输出 'True',s1 和 s2 引用内存中的不同对象,即使它们具有相同的值,对吗?我错过了什么吗?

字符串在 .NET 中是固定的,所以当您这样做时

string s1 = "target";
string s2 = "target";

它们都指向同一个对象。这就是 MSDN 示例使用 StringBuilder 的原因,这会欺骗 CLR 创建另一个具有相同值的字符串对象,以便泛型方法中的运算符测试将 return false.