"invoke NSViewController"(在创建之前)是什么意思?

What does it mean to "invoke NSViewController" (before creating it)?

the NSViewController documentation中说:

If you pass in a nil for nibNameOrNil then nibName will return nil and loadView() will throw an exception; in this case you must invoke NSViewController before Creating A View Controller is invoked, or override loadView().

"Creating A View Controller" 链接到 NSViewController 的 init() 方法。

在初始化之前调用 class 是什么意思?我已经使用 AppKit 超过 10 年了,我无法理解这句话。

在 Xcode 6 的文档中,文本是:

If you pass in a nil for nibNameOrNil then nibName will return nil and loadView will throw an exception; in this case you must invoke setView: before view is invoked, or override loadView.

"setView:" 链接到 NSViewController class。 "view" 链接到 NSViewController 的 initWithNibName:bundle: 方法。 显然 Apple 将文本调整为链接而不是相反。