谈话 - 删除片段

praat - delete segment

我有几个语音文件,我需要将声音文件的某个部分从0.21 毫秒剪切到0.45 毫秒。下面的脚本将 select 从 0.21 毫秒到 0.45 毫秒的声音片段并保存。我想从语音文件中剪切片段,然后在没有它的情况下保存它。我可能应该在 "Move end of selection to nearest zero crossing" 之后添加另一行并更改 "Write selected sound..." 但我不确定具体如何。

form Files
    sentence InputDir  ./

createDirectory ("output")
Create Strings as file list... list 'inputDir$'*.wav
numberOfFiles = Get number of strings

for ifile to numberOfFiles

    select Strings list
    fileName$ = Get string... ifile
    Read from file... 'inputDir$''fileName$'
    sound_name$ = selected$ ("Sound")

        select Sound 'sound_name$'
        editor Sound 'sound_name$'
        Select... 0.21 0.45
        Move start of selection to nearest zero crossing
        Move end of selection to nearest zero crossing
        Write selected sound to WAV file... ./output/'fileName$'

    select all
    minus Strings list


select all

I want to cut the segment from the speech file and then save it without it



form Files
  sentence Input_dir  ./
  positive Start 0.21
  positive End 0.45

list = Create Strings as file list: "list", input_dir$ + "*.wav"
numberOfFiles = Get number of strings

for ifile to numberOfFiles
  selectObject: list
  fileName$ = Get string: ifile
  sound = Read from file: input_dir$ + fileName$
  sound_name$ = selected$("Sound")

  # Find zero crossings
  start = Get nearest zero crossing: 1, start
  end = Get nearest zero crossing: 1, end
  sound_end = Get total duration

  # Cut the selected part out, shortening the sound
  # by extracting the part before and after and concatenating
  before = Extract part: 0, start, "rectangular", 1, "no"
  selectObject: sound
  after  = Extract part: end, sound_end, "rectangular", 1, "no"
  selectObject: before, after
  new = Concatenate
  removeObject: before, after

  ## Or, if you want to set the selected part to zero
  ## (since we already have the zero crossings)
  # new = Set part to zero: start, end, "at exactly these times"

  ## Or, if what you want is to get only the selected part
  ## and not the original sound
  # new = Extract part: start, end, "rectangular", 1, "no"

  # Either way, the new, modified sound is selected
  # and its ID is stored in `new`

  Save as WAV file: "./output/" + fileName$

  # I prefer a less shotgunny way to remove unwanted objects
  removeObject: sound, new

removeObject: list