它在调用中出现了一个额外的参数 'reply' : reply: { ( success, error) in - 我能做什么,因为我无法在模拟器中构建应用程序

it appears an extra argument 'reply' in call at : reply: { ( success, error) in - what cand i do because i can not build the app in the simulator

enter image description here

它出现了一个额外的参数 'reply' 在调用中:回复:{(成功,错误)在 - 我能做什么,因为我无法在模拟器中构建应用程序 让 authenticationContext = LAContext() 变量错误:NSError?

    if authenticationContext.canEvaluatePolicy(.deviceOwnerAuthenticationWithBiometrics, error: &error) {
        authenticationContext.canEvaluatePolicy(.deviceOwnerAuthenticationWithBiometrics, localizedReason:"Not let  somebody else", reply: { (success, error)   in

            if success {
            } else{
                if let error = error as? NSError {
                    let message = self.errorMessageForErrorCode(errorCode: error.code)
                    self.showAlertViewAfterEvaluatingPolicyWithMessage(message: message)


你应该在那条线上调用 evaluatePolicy(..., reply: ...),而不是 <i>can</i>EvaluatePolicy.