传输 4 AppleScript - 脚本完成时关闭新文档

Transmit 4 AppleScript - Close new Document when script completes

我一直在尝试使用 CodeKit,我想确保我的更改会自动上传到我的网络服务器。


我遇到的问题是我的脚本不断打开新的 "windows"。理想情况下,我不希望一次打开超过一个 window,所以我想我可以让脚本关闭创建的新文档。但是,我在语法上苦苦挣扎。


tell application "Transmit"
    set myFave to item 1 of (favorites whose name is "Favorite Name")
    set myRules to (skip rules whose enabled is true)

    tell current tab of (make new document at end)
        connect to myFave
        change location of local browser to path ""
        change location of remote browser to path ""
        synchronize local browser to remote browser using skip rules myRules

        close remote browser
    end tell
end tell


  1. 是否有 better/more 有效的方法来完成我想做的事情?
  2. 如果我一切正常,我如何设置正在创建的新文档在脚本完成后关闭 运行?


答案出奇的简单。我注意到在用于传输的 AppleScript 字典中有一个与文档相关的 "close" 方法(这是我试图关闭的东西)。

起初我很困惑,因为我认为我需要指定要关闭的内容。但最终,我只是在 "close remote browser" 之后添加了 "close"。

tell application "Transmit"
    set myFave to item 1 of (favorites whose name is "TitanHost")
    set myRules to (skip rules whose enabled is true)

    tell current tab of (make new document at end)
        connect to myFave
        change location of local browser to path ""
        change location of remote browser to path ""
        synchronize local browser to remote browser using skip rules myRules

        close remote browser
    end tell

end tell
