DebugDiag:如何手动注入 LeakTrack.dll

DebugDiag: How to inject LeakTrack.dll manually

我有来自生产环境的故障转储来识别内存泄漏。当我使用 DebugDiag(v2 更新 2)时,我收到一份报告

DebugDiag did not detect LeakTrack.dll loaded in w3wp.DMP, so no leak analysis was performed on this file. If you are troubleshooting a memory leak, please ensure LeakTrack.dll is injected into the target process using the DebugDiag tool before or generating new dumps

。我无法找到从 DebugDiag UI 或阅读文档后注入 LeakTrack.dll 的方法。如何手动注入 LeakTrack.dll?

在Debug Diag 安装文件夹中,应该有一个DebugDiag.Collection.exe。如果你运行它,select取消,然后切换到进程选项卡。选择您的流程,然后从上下文菜单中选择 select "Monitor for leaks"。这将注入 DLL。