
scipy.integrate.ode, issue with function returning tuple

所以我编写了一个函数来使用特定的求解器类型来集成几个 ODE 系统。出于某种原因,我无法完全理解,我编写的用于定义 ODE 的 RHS 的函数在积分函数内 运行 时返回一个元组(或者错误指示),但无论何时我单独测试了它的数组 returns,数组似乎是......嗯......和数组,应该可以正常工作。

def solve_decay_system(t, u_0, solver_type="dopri5", K_1=0.0, K_2=0.0, K_3=0.0):

    def decay(u, K_1 = K_1, K_2=K_2, K_3=K_3):

        dydt = numpy.array([-K_1 * u[0], K_1 * u[0] - K_2 * u[1], K_2 * u[1] - K_3*u[2], K_3*u[2]])
        dydt = numpy.array(dydt)
        print dydt, type(dydt)
        return dydt
        #return [1, 2, 3, 4]

    u = numpy.empty((4, t.size))
    u_0 = numpy.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    u[0, 0] = u_0[0]
    u[1, 0] = u_0[1]
    u[2, 0] = u_0[2]
    u[3, 0] = u_0[3]

    integrator = integrate.ode(decay)
    integrator.set_initial_value(u[:, 0])
    integrator.set_f_params(u, K_1, K_2, K_3)

    for (n, t_n) in enumerate(t[1:]):
        print n
        if not integrator.successful():

        u[:, n + 1] = integrator.y

    return u


ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-230-8f9be46c3d95> in <module>()
----> 1 solve_decay_system(t, u_0, solver_type="dopri5", K_1=0.0, K_2=0.0,     K_3=0.0)

<ipython-input-229-a05ddca0f334> in solve_decay_system(t, u_0, solver_type,     K_1, K_2, K_3)
     24     for (n, t_n) in enumerate(t[1:]):
     25         print n
---> 26         integrator.integrate(t_n)
     27         if not integrator.successful():
     28             break

C:\Users\Ben\Anaconda2\lib\site-packages\scipy\integrate\_ode.pyc in     integrate(self, t, step, relax)
    409         except SystemError:
    410             # f2py issue with tuple returns, see ticket 1187.
--> 411             raise ValueError('Function to integrate must not return     a tuple.')
    413         return self._y

ValueError: Function to integrate must not return a tuple.

求导函数需要 (time, state,...) 作为第一个参数,

def decay(t, u, K_1 = K_1, K_2=K_2, K_3=K_3):

即使 ODE 是自治的。


  integrator.set_f_params(K_1, K_2, K_3)

通过这些更改,您的代码应该 运行。 (最多 n=8。)


def decay(t, u, K_1 = K_1, K_2=K_2, K_3=K_3):
    return  [-K_1 * u[0], K_1 * u[0] - K_2 * u[1], K_2 * u[1] - K_3*u[2], K_3*u[2]]