为什么当我尝试在 MariaDB 数据库上创建此函数(使用点数据类型)时出现此错误?

Why I obtain this error when I try to create this funcion (that use point data type) on a MariaDB database?


所以基本上我的疑问与这个 SQL 声明有关,该声明创建了一个函数来计算 MariaDB 数据库上两个 之间的距离:

CREATE FUNCTION earth_circle_distance(point1 point, point2 point) RETURNS double
  declare lon1, lon2 double;
  declare lat1, lat2 double;
  declare td double;
  declare d_lat double;
  declare d_lon double;
  declare a, c, R double;

  set lon1 = X(GeomFromText(AsText(point1)));
  set lon2 = X(GeomFromText(AsText(point2)));
  set lat1 = Y(GeomFromText(AsText(point1)));
  set lat2 = Y(GeomFromText(AsText(point2)));

  set d_lat = radians(lat2 - lat1);
  set d_lon = radians(lon2 - lon1);

  set lat1 = radians(lat1);
  set lat2 = radians(lat2);

  set R = 6372.8; -- in kilometers

  set a = sin(d_lat / 2.0) * sin(d_lat / 2.0) + sin(d_lon / 2.0) * sin(d_lon / 2.0) * cos(lat1) * cos(lat2);
  set c = 2 * asin(sqrt(a));

  return R * c;


Static analysis:

2 errors were found during analysis.
    1. Unrecognized data type. (near "point" at position 45)
    2. Unrecognized data type. (near "point" at position 59)

SQL query:

CREATE FUNCTION earth_circle_distance(point1 point, point2 point) RETURNS double DETERMINISTIC begin declare lon1, lon2 double 

MySQL said: 

#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 4

PhpMyAdmin 在上一条语句的第一行用 2 个红色标记标记 point 数据类型:

CREATE FUNCTION earth_circle_distance(point1 point, point2 point) RETURNS double

但我不认为这可能是真正的问题(我认为这可能是 PhpMyAdmin 不知道的事情)因为它也将此 cration 查询标记为红色:

CREATE TABLE gis_point  (g POINT);

但它工作正常,没有错误并正确创建 table。

所以,哪里错了?可能取决于 PhpMyAdmin 或者我错过了什么? 这个函数应该存储在哪里?

更改分隔符。否则函数定义在第一个 ; 处结束,这会使它不完整。

delimiter ||
CREATE FUNCTION earth_circle_distance(point1 point, point2 point) RETURNS double
  declare lon1, lon2 double;
  declare lat1, lat2 double;
  declare td double;
  declare d_lat double;
  declare d_lon double;
  declare a, c, R double;

  set lon1 = X(GeomFromText(AsText(point1)));
  set lon2 = X(GeomFromText(AsText(point2)));
  set lat1 = Y(GeomFromText(AsText(point1)));
  set lat2 = Y(GeomFromText(AsText(point2)));

  set d_lat = radians(lat2 - lat1);
  set d_lon = radians(lon2 - lon1);

  set lat1 = radians(lat1);
  set lat2 = radians(lat2);

  set R = 6372.8; -- in kilometers

  set a = sin(d_lat / 2.0) * sin(d_lat / 2.0) + sin(d_lon / 2.0) * sin(d_lon / 2.0) * cos(lat1) * cos(lat2);
  set c = 2 * asin(sqrt(a));

  return R * c;

delimiter ;