动画射弹的轨迹 Python

Animating a Projectile's Trajectory Python

现在我的实习结束了,我遇到了一个问题,因此我正在努力学习 python 比我以前的问题更深入的知识

我正在使用 Amit Saha 的一本书 "Doing Math With Python",我决定跳转到这本书是“动画射弹的轨迹”。我花了一个小时试图自己解决这个问题,然后又在互联网上花了 2 天时间,但我仍然不明白为什么我会收到我收到的错误

AttributeError: 'float' object has no attribute 'append'


TypeError: a float is required


from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import animation
import math

g = 9.8

def get_intervals(u, theta):

    t_flight = 2*u*math.sin(theta)/g
    intervals = []
    start = 0
    intervals = 0.005
    while start < t_flight:
        start = start + interval
    return intervals

def update_position(i, circle, intervals, u, theta):

    t = intervals[i]
    x = u*math.cos(theta)*t
    y = u*math.sin(theta)*t - 0.5*g*t*t
    circle.center = x, y
    return circle,

def create_animation(u, theta):

    intervals = get_intervals(u,theta)

    xmin = 0
    xmax = u*math.cos(theta)*intervals[-1]
    ymin = 0
    t_max = u*math.sin(theta)/g
    ymax = u*math.sin(theta)*t_max - 0.5*g*t_max**2
    fig = plt.gcf()
    ax = plt.axes(xlim=(xmin, xmax), ylim=(ymin, ymax))

    circle = plt.Circle((xmin, ymin), 1.0)
    anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, update_position,
                        fargs=(circle, intervals, u, theta),
                        frames=len(intervals), interval=1,

    plt.title('Projectile Motion')

if __name__ == '__main__':
        u = float(input('Enter the initial velocity (m/s): '))
        theta = float(input('Enter the angle of projection (degrees): '))
    except ValueError:
        print('You Entered an invalid input')
        theta = (math.radians(theta))
        create_animation(u, theta)

您的代码非常接近!现在有一个基于变量 intervals 被定义两次而变量 interval 从未被定义的错误。因此,将 intervals = 0.005 更改为 interval = 0.005,如下代码所示:

def get_intervals(u, theta):

    t_flight = 2*u*math.sin(theta)/g
    intervals = []
    start = 0
    interval = 0.005
    while start < t_flight:
        start = start + interval
    return intervals

现在代码将 运行 但对于不同的速度和 thetas,绘图看起来会非常不同。事实上,对于许多初始条件,您只会看到蓝色图。让我们一一来看问题:

  1. 球的半径 rad 为 1 米。如果球在 x 方向或 y 方向上的行进距离小于 1 m,则蓝色球将占据屏幕。
  2. x 轴和 y 轴的大小和刻度非常不同。这将使球变成椭圆形而不是圆形。

我更改了您的 create_animation() 功能以解决这些小问题。请阅读我放置的评论以了解细微的变化

def create_animation(u, theta):
    intervals = get_intervals(u,theta)

    xmin = 0
    xmax = u*math.cos(theta)*intervals[-1]
    ymin = 0
    t_max = u*math.sin(theta)/g
    ymax = u*math.sin(theta)*t_max - 0.5*g*t_max**2

    plotmax = max(xmax, ymax) # Pick the largest dimension of the two
    fig = plt.gcf()

    # Set both maxima to the same value to make a square plot
    ax = plt.axes(xlim=(xmin, plotmax), ylim=(ymin, plotmax)) 

    # Make sure the two axes are scaled the same...
    #    (we want a circle.. not a messed up oval)

    rad = plotmax/20. # Make sure the circle doesn't dominate the plot

    circle = plt.Circle((xmin, ymin), rad) # Use rad instead of 1.0
    anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, update_position,
                        fargs=(circle, intervals, u, theta),
                        frames=len(intervals), interval=1,

    plt.title('Projectile Motion')
    plt.xlabel('X [m]') # Units are nice :)
    plt.ylabel('Y [m]')