Class 关键字 - 明确指示继承接口?

Class Keyword - Explicitly Indicating Inherited Interfaces?

SqlDataReader's class statement includes IDataReader, IDataRecord and IDisposable even though these are all implemented by its base class, DbDataReader:

public class SqlDataReader : DbDataReader, 
  IDataReader, IDisposable, IDataRecord {...}

public abstract class DbDataReader : MarshalByRefObject, 
  IDataReader, IDisposable, IDataRecord, IEnumerable {...}

在这种情况下,指示派生 class 实现其基础 class 已经指示其实现的接口是否有一些技术优势? (我想不出一个。想知道这是遗留遗物、打字错误还是出于文档目的所做的事情。)

可以这样做,以便在派生 class 中添加或覆盖显式接口实现。例如,

interface IFoo
    string P {get;}

class Base: IFoo
    string IFoo.P 
        get { return "Base"; }

class Derived: Base, IFoo
    string IFoo.P 
        get { return "Derived"; }



interface ISome
    void Method();

class A : ISome
    public void Method()

class B : A, ISome // Try to remove ISome...
    void ISome.Method()
