检查字符串 includes/does 不包括来自不同列表的值

Check string includes/does not include values from distinct lists

listIncludedFolders = ["Criteria1"]
listExcludedFolders = ["Criteria2"]

for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(root):

    proceed = False

    for each in listIncludedFolders:
        if each in dirpath:
            proceed = True

    if proceed == True:
        for each in listExcludedFolders:
            if each in dirpath:
                proceed = False

    if proceed == True:

我正在尝试以更 pythonic 的方式实现以下代码。使用生成器,我可以设法基于单个列表的项目继续:

if any(dir in dirpath for dir in listIncludedFolders):


if any(dir in dirpath for dir in listIncludedFolders if("Criteria2" not in dirpath)):

我怎样才能做到这一点 'cleanly'?

将两个条件与 and 运算符与另一个 any 调用组合:

if any(each in dirpath for each in listIncludedFolders) and \
        not any(each in dirpath for each in listExcludedFolders):

或另一个 and 调用(条件被否定):

if any(each in dirpath for each in listIncludedFolders) and \
       all(each not in dirpath for each in listExcludedFolders):

顺便说一句,(... for .. in .. if ..)generator expression, not a list comrpehension


listIncludedFolders = ["Criteria1"]
listExcludedFolders = ["Criteria2"]

for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(root):

    if any(each in dirpath for each in listIncludedFolders) and \
            not any(each in dirpath for each in listExcludedFolders):

您可以避免走进一开始就被排除在外的子树。此解决方案也比原始方法更可靠,假设测试子字符串以确定文件夹的包含和排除不是本意(您真的要排除名为 "Criteria2345" 的文件夹吗?)

for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(root):
    if set(dirpath.split(os.path.sep)) & set(listIncludedFolders):
    for ex in [dnam for dnam in dirnames if dnam in listExcludedFolders]:

但是请注意,如果 root 在排除列表中,它将在此实现中被忽略。