为什么这段代码在 ROOT 下编译,但没有做任何它想做的事情?

Why does this code compile in ROOT, but does not do any of what it's meant to do?


  1. 读入包含几年(1722 年到 2013 年)平均每日温度的数据文件
  2. 求年平均气温
  3. 制作这些年平均温度的直方图
  4. 通过此数据进行拟合,以便在给定特定年份(例如 2060 年)的情况下,您可以推断以确定该年的平均温度。

到目前为止我写的代码,包括在下面,应该能够执行任务 1 到 3。它分为四个部分:一个头文件 "sketch.h",一个 C++ 脚本 "sketch.cpp"、另一个 C++ 脚本 "project.cpp" 和一些 ROOT 绘图文件 "rootlogon.C".

文件 "sketch.h" 和 "sketch.cpp" 包含 class 的定义及其成员的实现。"project.cpp" 是实例化分析对象的文件。 "rootlogon.C" 对直方图和图形的外观有一些预定义的首选项。

想法是,如果 ROOT 运行 在包含这 4 段代码的同一文件夹中,它将自动加载它们。



#include <string>

class tempTrender 
tempTrender(std::string filePath); //Construct using the specified filePath

//void tempPerYear(int yearToExtrapolate); //Make a histogram of average temperature per year, then fit and extrapolate to the given year

void read_datFile();  //will be used to read in the data file

std::string pathToFile;   //my uppsala .dat file

int Year;
int Month;
int Day;
double Temp_exp;
double Temp_corr;
int dat_ID;

std::string helpString;
std::string filePath;

int numEntries; //total number of measurements done (entries in the data set)

int totTemp; //sum of daily temperatures in a given year
int counter;
int first_Year; //the year in which the measurements began
double AvgTemp; //average annual temperature




#include <iostream>
#include "sketch.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>

//ROOT library objects
#include <TF1.h> // 1d function class
#include <TH1.h> // 1d histogram classes
#include <TH2.h> // 2d histogram classes
#include <TRandom.h> // random generators
#include <TStyle.h>  // style object
#include <TMath.h>   // math functions
#include <TCanvas.h> // canvas object
#include <TGraph.h>  //For the graphs part
#include <TLegend.h>  //for the legends

using namespace std;

tempTrender::tempTrender(string filePath)
std::cout << "The user supplied " << filePath << " as the path to the data file." << endl;
string pathToFile = filePath;

//reading in data file
void tempTrender::read_datFile()
ifstream datFile(filePath.c_str());   //opening data file, as a C-string for later manipulation

if(!datFile) cout<<"Error: the file could not be read"<<endl; //just checking if the file was read in successfully ;-)

int n = 0; //initialise a counter
while(getline(datFile, helpString)) n++; //counting the number of lines in the data set;
numEntries = n;

//returning to the beginning of .dat file
datFile.seekg(0, ios::beg);

for(int i=0; i<numEntries; i++)
datFile >> Year >> Month >> Day >> Temp_exp >> Temp_corr >> dat_ID; //putting input data into categories
    std::cout<<Year<<endl; //checking that the categories contain the right data
    std::cout<<"I'm alive"<<endl;

//calculating average temperature and creating a histogram of the values

TH1F* hAvgTemp = new TH1F("hAvgTemp", "Average Annual Temperature: 1722-2013" , 600, 1722, 2013);

    while(datFile>> Year >> Month >> Day >> Temp_exp >> Temp_corr >> dat_ID)
        while(first_Year == 1722 && Year == first_Year)
            for(int Month=0; Month < 13; Month++) //loop over every month
                for(int Day =0; Day < 32; Day++) //loop over every day
                    counter++; //count the number of measurements
                    totTemp += Temp_corr;  //sum up the daily temperatures over all months of first_Year
                    AvgTemp = (totTemp/counter); //average temperature for first_Year. One number.
            hAvgTemp->Fill(AvgTemp); //start filling a histogram with the average temperatures
            cout << AvgTemp << endl; //show that the calculation worked
        first_Year = first_Year + 1; //go to the next year and run the loop again

    //creating canvas for hAvgTemp histogram
    TCanvas* c2 = new TCanvas("c1", "hAvgTemp Canvas", 900, 600);


#include "sketch.h"
#include <string>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

void project()
string pathToFile = "path_to_datFile.dat"; //path to data file
tempTrender t(pathToFile); //Instantiate analysis object


void rootlogon() {
gStyle->SetOptStat(0); //Let's make our plots look a bit better. Get rid of the stat box
gStyle->SetOptTitle(0); //Get rid of the title (good plots use legends instead)
gStyle->SetTitleSize(0.05, "x"); //Use bigger text on the axes
gStyle->SetTitleSize(0.05, "y");
gStyle->SetLabelSize(0.05, "x"); //Use bigger labels too
gStyle->SetLabelSize(0.05, "y");
gStyle->SetPadTopMargin(0.05); //Change the margins to fit our new sizes

gROOT->ProcessLine(".L sketch.cpp+"); //Load the classes that we want to use automatically - Convenient!
gROOT->ProcessLine(".L project.cpp+"); //The + means to recompile only if it changed since last time


我在下面包含了我正在分析的数据文件的摘录。列分别为:年、月、日、测量温度、校正温度和数据 ID。

1722  1 12   1.9   1.8 1
1722  1 13   2.3   2.2 1
1722  1 14   1.8   1.7 1
1722  1 15    .9    .8 1
1722  1 16  -1.8  -1.9 1
.      .     .      .
2013 12 29   3.8   3.6 1
2013 12 30   1.6   1.4 1
2013 12 31   3.3   3.1 1

代码在 ROOT 中编译,但不执行任何其他操作。我已经尝试了很长时间,但没有成功,以弄清楚它出了什么问题。任何帮助将不胜感激。此外,对于如何处理任务 4 的提示也将不胜感激。我是C++新手,欢迎批评指正

要使 rootlogon.C 脚本真正执行某些操作,您需要调用一个函数。我相信您想执行名为 project() 的 "main" 函数。如果是这种情况,那么您需要将 rootlogon.C 修改为:

void rootlogon() {

// ...

gROOT->ProcessLine(".L sketch.cpp+"); //Load the classes that we want to use automatically - Convenient!
gROOT->ProcessLine(".L project.cpp+"); //The + means to recompile only if it changed since last time

project(); // <- Add this line

gROOT->ProcessLine(".L ...") 指令只是编译代码并加载 ROOT 中的库,但您仍然需要调用该函数。