我可以强制用户使用 hockeyapp 更新我的应用程序吗?

can I force user to update my app using hockeyapp?

我有一个 iOS 应用程序。目前它正在分发给测试用户。 我即将准备好将应用程序发布到 Appstore。 我对 Appstore 中有更新版本的应用程序的情况感兴趣。

hockeyapp 是否有任何内置功能来提示用户更新应用程序,并阻止他在更新之前使用它?

如果有可用的更新版本,使用 HockeyApp 有一个复选框提示用户强制更新当前应用程序。

您可以强制 Beta 版用户更新到更新的应用版本,但您不能强制 App Store 用户更新到更新的应用版本!

SDK 提供了一项功能,可通过您的 App Store 版本通知用户有关新更新的信息,但无法强制这些用户升级。此功能记录在此处:http://hockeyapp.net/help/sdk/ios/3.6.2/Classes/BITStoreUpdateManager.html



The store update manager module.

 This is the HockeySDK module for handling app updates when having your app released in the App Store.
 By default the module uses the current users locale to define the app store to check for updates. You
 can modify this using the `countryCode` property. See the property documentation for details on its usage.

 When an update is detected, this module will show an alert asking the user if he/she wants to update or
 ignore this version. If update was chosen, it will open the apps page in the app store app.

 You need to enable this module using `[BITHockeyManager enableStoreUpdateManager]` if you want to use this
 feature. By default this module is disabled!

 When this module is enabled and **NOT** running in an App Store build/environment, it won't do any checks!

 The `BITStoreUpdateManagerDelegate` protocol informs the app about new detected app versions.

 @warning This module can **NOT** check if the current device and OS version match the minimum requirements of
 the new app version!


您可以使用 appgrades.io 强制用户在 AppStore 上有新版本时更新他们的应用程序。