IntelliJ JavaDoc @see

IntelliJ JavaDoc @see

我是 IntelliJ 的新手。

我的 IntelliJ 没有突出显示注释中的 @see。 IntelliJ 似乎没有将 @see 视为 JavaDoc 关键字,但我不知道如何更改它。


这是意料之中的。 @see 是块标记。它必须在行的开头。参见 the documentation

A tag is a special keyword within a documentation comment that the javadoc command processes. There are two kinds of tags: block tags, which appear as an @tag tag (also known as standalone tags), and inline tags, which appear within braces, as an {@tag} tag. To be interpreted, a block tag must appear at the beginning of a line, ignoring leading asterisks, white space, and the separator (/**). This means you can use the @ character elsewhere in the text and it will not be interpreted as the start of a tag.


您的评论,如果目标是生成 link 到 GlobalConstants class,应该是

Take a look at {@link GlobalConstants}

如果您只需键入 GlobalConstants 并按 Ctrl-space(或 Cmd-Space),IntelliJ 就会为您生成它。