
Assigning a value to each range of consecutive numbers with same sign in R


Time  V  Length
0.5  -2  1.5
1.0  -1  1.5
1.5   0  0.0
2.0   2  1.0
2.5   0  0.0
3.0   1  1.75
3.5   2  1.75
4.0   1  1.75
4.5  -1  0.75
5.0  -3  0.75

Length 列对数值为正或负的时间长度求和。零被赋予 0 因为它们是一个拐点。如果没有零分隔符号变化,则对拐点两侧的值进行平均。

我正在尝试估算这些值花费正数或负数的时间量。我已经用 for 循环尝试过这个,并取得了不同程度的成功,但我想避免循环,因为我正在处理非常大的数据集。

我花了一些时间研究 signdiff,因为它们在 this question about sign changes. I've also looked at 中使用,后者使用 transformaggregate 对连续求和重复值。我觉得我可以将它与 sign and/or diff 结合使用,但我不确定如何将这些总和追溯分配给创建它们的范围或如何处理斑点我取拐点处的平均值。


dat <- data.frame(Time = seq(0.5, 5, 0.5), V = c(-2, -1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 2, 1, -1, -3))


首先我们提取向量并在开头贴上 0。我们还将最后的V设置为0。计算将基于0s之间的时间差,因此我们需要以0s开始和结束。您的示例似乎默认在 Time = 0 处假设 V = 0,因此初始值为 0,并且它在最长时间突然停止,因此我们也在那里设置 V = 0

Time = c(0, dat$Time)
V = c(0, dat$V)
V[length(V)] = 0

为了填补跳过的0,我们使用approxsign(V)进行线性逼近。它还假定您的采样频率是规则的,因此我们可以通过将频率加倍来获得所有缺失的 0。

ap = approx(Time, sign(V), xout = seq(0, max(Time), by = 0.25))

我们要填写的值是观察到的和近似的 0 之间的持续时间。按照正确的顺序,这些是:

dur = diff(ap$x[ap$y == 0])


# first use rleid to get the sign groupings
group = data.table::rleid(sign(dat$V))

# then we need to set the groups corresponding to 0 values to 0
# and reduce any group numbers following 0s correspondingly
# lastly we add 1 to everything so that we can stick 0 at the
# front of our durations and assign those to the 0 V values
ind = (group - cumsum(dat$V == 0)) * (dat$V != 0) + 1

# fill it in
dat$Length = c(0, dur)[ind]
#    Time  V Length
# 1   0.5 -2   1.50
# 2   1.0 -1   1.50
# 3   1.5  0   0.00
# 4   2.0  2   1.00
# 5   2.5  0   0.00
# 6   3.0  1   1.75
# 7   3.5  2   1.75
# 8   4.0  1   1.75
# 9   4.5 -1   0.75
# 10  5.0 -3   0.75

首先找到需要插值的"Time"的索引:连续"V",正负值之间缺少零;他们的 abs(diff(sign(V)) 等于二。

id <- which(abs(c(0, diff(sign(dat$V)))) == 2)

将相关索引之间的平均值为 "Time" 且对应的 "V" 值为零的行添加到原始数据。还要在 "Time" = 0 和最后一个时间步添加 "V" = 0 的行(根据@Gregor 提到的假设)。按 "Time" 排序。

d2 <- rbind(dat,
            data.frame(Time = (dat$Time[id] + dat$Time[id - 1])/2, V = 0),
            data.frame(Time = c(0, max(dat$Time)), V = c(0, 0))
d2 <- d2[order(d2$Time), ]

计算零时间步之间的时间差,并使用 "zero-group indices" 复制它们。

d2$Length <- diff(d2$Time[d2$V == 0])[cumsum(d2$V == 0)]


merge(dat, d2)

#    Time  V Length
# 1   0.5 -2   1.50
# 2   1.0 -1   1.50
# 3   1.5  0   1.00
# 4   2.0  2   1.00
# 5   2.5  0   1.75
# 6   3.0  1   1.75
# 7   3.5  2   1.75
# 8   4.0  1   1.75
# 9   4.5 -1   0.75
# 10  5.0 -3   0.75

将 "Length" 设置为 0,其中 V == 0


因为你说你想在大型数据集上使用它(因此速度很重要)我使用 Rcpp 编写了一个循环来完成所有检查。为了进行速度比较,我还创建了另一个包含 500,000 data.points 的示例数据集并检查了速度(我试图与其他数据集进行比较,但无法将它们转换为 data.table(否则这将是一个不公平的比较...))。如果提供,我会很乐意更新速度比较!

第 1 部分:我的解决方案



#include <Rcpp.h>
using namespace Rcpp;

// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector length_time(NumericVector time, NumericVector v) {
  double start = 0;
  double time_i, v_i;
  bool last_positive = v[0] > 0;
  bool last_negative = v[0] < 0;
  int length_i = time.length();
  NumericVector ret_vec(length_i);

  for (int i = 0; i < length_i; ++i) {
    time_i = time[i];
    v_i = v[i];

    if (v_i == 0) { // injection
      if (i > 0) { // if this is not the beginning, then a regime has ended!
        ret_vec[i - 1] = time_i - start;
        start = time_i;
    } else if ((v_i > 0 && last_negative) || (v_i < 0 && last_positive)) { 
      ret_vec[i - 1] = (time_i + time[i - 1]) / 2 - start;
      start = (time_i + time[i - 1]) / 2;

    last_positive = v_i > 0;
    last_negative = v_i < 0;
  ret_vec[length_i - 1] = time[length_i - 1] - start;

  // ret_vec now only has the values for the last observation
  // do something like a reverse na_locf...
  double tmp_val = ret_vec[length_i - 1];
  for (int i = length_i - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
    if (v[i] == 0) {
      ret_vec[i] = 0;
    } else if (ret_vec[i] == 0){
      ret_vec[i] = tmp_val;
    } else {
      tmp_val = ret_vec[i];
  return ret_vec;

然后在 R 文件中(即 length_time.R):

# setwd("...") #to find the .cpp-file

dat$Length <- length_time(dat$Time, dat$V)
# Time  V Length
# 1   0.5 -2   1.50
# 2   1.0 -1   1.50
# 3   1.5  0   0.00
# 4   2.0  2   1.00
# 5   2.5  0   0.00
# 6   3.0  1   1.75
# 7   3.5  2   1.75
# 8   4.0  1   1.75
# 9   4.5 -1   0.75
# 10  5.0 -3   0.75


第 2 部分:速度测试

n <- 10000
dt <- data.table(time = seq(from = 0.5, by = 0.5, length.out = n),
                 v = cumsum(round(rnorm(n, sd = 1))))

dt[, chg := v >= 0 & shift(v, 1, fill = 0) <= 0]
plot(dt$time, dt$v, type = "l")
abline(h = 0)
for (i in dt[chg == T, time]) abline(v = i, lty = 2, col = "red")

这会产生一个包含 985 个观测值(交叉点)的数据集。


microbenchmark(dt[, length := length_time(time, v)])
# Unit: milliseconds
# expr      min     lq     mean   median       uq      max neval
# dt[, `:=`(length, length_time(time, v))] 2.625714 2.7184 3.054021 2.817353 3.077489 5.235689   100

计算 500,000 个观测值大约需要 3 毫秒。


这是我在 base R 中完成的尝试。

Joseph <- function(df) {
    is.wholenumber <- function(x, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5)  abs(x - round(x)) < tol

    v <- df$V
    t <- df$Time
    sv <- sign(v)
    nR <- length(v)
    v0 <- which(v==0)

    id <- which(abs(c(0, diff(sv))) > 1)  ## This line and (t[id] + t[id - 1L])/2 From @Henrik
    myZeros <- sort(c(v0*t[1L], (t[id] + t[id - 1L])/2))
    lenVals <- diff(c(0,myZeros,t[nR]))   ## Actual values that 
                             ## will populate the Length column

    ## remove values that result from repeating zeros from the df$V column
    lenVals <- lenVals[lenVals != t[1L] | c(!is.wholenumber(myZeros/t[1L]),F)]

    ## Below we need to determine how long to replicate
    ## each of the lenVals above, so we need to find
    ## the starting place and length of each run...
    ## rle is a great candidate for both of these
    m <- rle(sv)        
    ml <- m$lengths
    cm <- cumsum(ml)
    zm <- m$values != 0   ## non-zero values i.e. we won't populate anything here
    rl <- m$lengths[zm]   ## non-zero run-lengths
    st <- cm[zm] - rl + 1L    ## starting index
    out <- vector(mode='numeric', length = nR)
    for (i in 1:length(st)) {out[st[i]:(st[i]+rl[i]-1L)] <- lenVals[i]}
    df$Length <- out


   Time  V Length
1   0.5 -2   1.50
2   1.0 -1   1.50
3   1.5  0   0.00
4   2.0  2   1.00
5   2.5  0   0.00
6   3.0  1   1.75
7   3.5  2   1.75
8   4.0  1   1.75
9   4.5 -1   0.75
10  5.0 -3   0.75


datBig <- data.frame(Time=seq(0.5,50000,0.5), V=sample(-3:3, 10^5, replace=TRUE))


c.Joseph <- cmpfun(Joseph)
c.Henrik <- cmpfun(Henrik)
c.Gregor <- cmpfun(Gregor)

    microbenchmark(c.Joseph(datBig), c.Gregor(datBig), c.Henrik(datBig), David(datBig), times = 10)
Unit: milliseconds
            expr        min         lq       mean     median         uq       max neval cld
   David(datBig)    2.20602   2.617742    4.35927   2.788686    3.13630 114.0674    10  a
c.Joseph(datBig)   61.91015   62.62090   95.44083   64.43548   93.20945  225.4576    10   b 
c.Gregor(datBig)   59.25738   63.32861  126.29857   72.65927  214.35961  229.5022    10   b 
 c.Henrik(datBig) 1511.82449 1678.65330 1727.14751 1730.24842 1816.42601 1871.4476    10   c

正如@Gregor 指出的那样,目标是找到每次出现的零之间的 x 距离。这可以通过绘图直观地看到(再次,正如@Gregor(许多荣誉顺便说一句)指出的那样)。例如,如果我们绘制 datBig 的前 20 个值,我们将获得:

从这里,我们可以看出使图形为正或负(即不为零(当存在重复的零时会发生这种情况))的 x 距离大约为:

2.0, 1.25, 0.5, 0.75, 2.0, 1.0, 0.75, 0.5

t1 <- c.Joseph(datBig)
t2 <- c.Gregor(datBig)
t3 <- c.Henrik(datBig)
t4 <- David(datBig)

 ##  Correct values according to the plot above (x above a value indicates incorrect value)
 ##  2.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 1.25 1.25 0.50 0.75 0.00 0.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.75 0.50

 ## all correct
 [1] 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 1.25 1.25 0.50 0.75 0.00 0.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.75 0.50

 ## mostly correct
 t2$Length[1:20]                                         x    x    x                   x             x
 [1] 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 1.25 1.25 0.50 0.75 0.00 0.00 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.75 0.25

 ## least correct
 t3$Length[1:20]      x    x         x    x         x    x    x    x    x               x   x    x    x
 [1] 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.50 1.00 1.25 0.75 1.25 0.00 1.75 1.75 0.00 1.50 1.50 0.00 0.00 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25

 ## all correct
 [1] 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 1.25 1.25 0.50 0.75 0.00 0.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.75 0.50

# agreement with David's solution
all.equal(t4$Length, t1$Length)
[1] TRUE

嗯,看来 David 提供的 Rcpp 解决方案不仅准确而且速度极快。