Spring 启动微服务跟踪选项

Spring Boot Micro Service Tracing Options


1.We are building a distributed micro service architecture with Spring Boot.Which includes more than 100 micro services.
2.There is a lot if inter micro service communications possible to achieve single transaction.
3.We want to trace every micro service call and the trace should provide following information. 
 a.Transaction ID/Trace ID
 b. Back end transaction status-HTTP status for REST.Like wise for SOAP as well.
 c.Time taken for that call.
 d.Request and Response payload.
Currently we are achieving this using indigenous tracing frame work.Is there any open source project will handle all this without any coding from developer.I know we have few options with spring Boot Cloud Zipkin,Seluth etc does this handle above requirements. 

我的项目与您的要求相似。恕我直言,Spring-cloud-sleuth + Zipkin 在我的案例中效果很好。

对于任何微服务间通信,我们都使用 Kafka,并且 Spring-cloud-sleuth + zipkin 可以毫无问题地跟踪所有调用,从 REST -> Kafka -> More Kafka -> REST。

要启用 Kafka 跟踪,只需简单地添加

    propagation-keys: some-key
      probability: 1
        enabled: true

我们还使用 Azure ApplicationInsights 进行集中式日志记录,它与 Spring Cloud 很好地集成在一起。

希望以上内容能给您一些使用 Sleuth + Zipkin 的信心。